23 Times Animals Were Caught Being Extremely Dramatic

Leona Martinez

Animals can be some of the most entertaining and hilarious creatures on the planet. From cats playing dead to dogs with permanent puppy eyes, animals can be extremely dramatic when they want to get our attention.

We've collected some of the most hilarious photos of animals being dramatic that will make you laugh out loud. From cats throwing a fit to dogs having a meltdown, these animals know how to put on a show! Get ready for some serious drama, animal style!

#1. Is my dog being serious right now?

Source: hepclip

#2. Blepping for a full 2 minutes

Source: Punkmetal72

#3. I was advised to post this here

Source: Erreur_420

#4. In case you need something to brighten your day, here’s a picture of my dog sleeping

Source: cadencecleo

#5. I love how my dog just sits in front of the mirror after I bathe her, contemplating the pure horror, the disgrace, and the sheer terrible thing that was done to her

Source: redditorcris

#6. Mingus the Derpus

#7. "YOU-LEFT-US-FOR-FOUR-DAYS!!!!" teefies while trying to unpack

Source: Iroman44

#8. Onion loves the scratches

Source: Louis83

#9. My dog praying for food

Source: Dylan0734

#10. Ellie's disappointed pose

#11. This cat got herself a new water bowl but he doesn’t understand what is it and, he sits in the water, look at those big eyes

Source: AWU_Hades

#12. My cousin's hamster after eating a ton of popcorn

#13. Taken from my parents’ kitchen window. They don’t have any cats...

Source: AllHanceOnDeck

#14. So my dog likes to stand like this when he is startled

Source: willkkkly

#15. Just wanted a nice family photo

Source: jimmynudetron69

#16. Charlie’s “thinking” face

Source: samspastic

#17. Took my dog out on a walk for the first time. He got tired and didn't want to walk anymore so he went limp. I had to carry him all the way home like this. What a drama queen


#18. The Frog meets my daughter for the first time…

#19. This is Jasper Cat. He throws temper tantrums when I read and don't pay him enough attention

Source: dustinsdaydream

#20. Gizmo's not the brightest tool in the shed

Source: scissorbritches

#21. The derpiest tongue hanging out as he tries to get someone to play with him and his ball...

Source: JuanARico

#22. She loves pizza box. So we gave her 4

Source: buddhaonacid

#23. Doggo is gonna be 6. she's only gotten more derpy

Source: theronharp