r/Wellthatsucks/ and r/Mildlyinfuriating are reddit communities dedicated for everything that happens in everyday life that makes you say "well, that sucks."
Believe me, if you think you had a bad day, visit this thread and think again. Not only will you see incidents that almost seem to be unable to happen, but you may also encounter situations when OP reaches the maximum level of bad luck.
Now please feel free to check it out.
Believe me, if you think you had a bad day, visit this thread and think again. Not only will you see incidents that almost seem to be unable to happen, but you may also encounter situations when OP reaches the maximum level of bad luck.
Now please feel free to check it out.
#1. Bet it dried fast though
Source: Reddit
#2. The warning should have just been Australia
Source: Reddit
#3. I feel it through this pic
Source: Reddit
#4. Paint the nails
Source: Reddit
#5. Even jail toilet paper is two ply
Source: Reddit
#6. A war crime not seen since Cartman ate all the skin off the chicken.
Source: Reddit
#7. A war crime not seen since Cartman ate all the skin off the chicken.
Source: Reddit
#8. Now do the pepper
Source: Reddit
#9. Feel sorry for anyone who has to clean that up
Source: Reddit
#10. Get strong magnet
Source: Reddit
#11. I mean, at least it's not Dill
Source: Reddit
#12. Wow, double screwed
Source: Reddit
#13. That egg is in good hands.
Source: Reddit
#14. Pretend like it didn’t happen. In time your mind will ignore it
Source: Reddit
#15. Looks like it was recovered from the Titanic.
Source: Reddit
#16. Big mounted mirror pointing right back at them could be a subtle hint
Source: Reddit
#17. Easy there van gogh
Source: Reddit
#18. Maybe stop eating at your computer
Source: Reddit
#19. Turns out, water is both heavy and wet
Source: Reddit
#20. Son of a leek
Source: Reddit
#21. 5 minute crafts be like
Source: Reddit
#22. Jump
Source: Reddit
#23. Clint
Source: Reddit