20+ Happy Blind Dogs Who Are Living Their Life To The Fullest

Olivia Garcia

We tend to think of disabled animals as imperfect ones, but actually they are not. They are exactly the way they are supposed to be and they are perfect and unique in their own way. These fun-loving guys still have plenty of ways to enjoy life without thinking that they are any different from the rest. They don't discriminate as humans do.
If you are in a bad mood, these lovely furry friends are right here to cheer you up and brighten up your day. These blind dogs are living to the fullest. They might be blind, but they can sense happiness and smile brighter than anyone in this world. Scroll down to check them out!

#1. Every day should be a beach day.

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: candy.my.crush

#2. Another day, another dip in the pool.

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: zola.the.blind.wonderpup

#3. "I love diz place, mom!"

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: lanakitainu

#4. Sammy's smitten face looks weirdly adorable.

Image credits: saminthesunshine

#5. Hufflepup!

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: rhettyalready

#6. These puppy eyes tho...

Image credits: manaolana_moana_eri

#7. "His eyes don’t work as well as mine, so I look out for him."

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: cowboyandcrew

#8. Smile for the camera!

Image credits: ash.inamorata

#9. "He may be blind, but he knows where his momma is and can feel my love!"

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: boyishgrrl

#10. Celebrating getting rid of heartworm with 1.5-hour walk, a swim in the dam, and lots of pats.

Image credits: brokenjeep

#11. "Do we have to get up?"

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: daisytheblindvizsla

#12. This sunshine deserves a smile!

Image credits: paw_prince_of_fresh_air

#13. Just lounging around and waiting for the weekend...

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: one.eyed.zuko

#14. "I'm sure that won't be my hobby!"

Image credits: aussie_suki_und_co

#15. Born blind with a cleft nose, this pup still thrives beautifully.

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: ash_ton_o_love

#16. Blind, super squishy, expert snuggler.

Image credits: jack_the_blind_dachshund

#17. Could that smile be any brighter?

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: saminthesunshine

 #18. It actually wasn't raining but when you have Golden Retrievers you've always got wet dogs.

Image credits: tao_mr_winky

#19. "What do you mean we are running low on treats?"

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: ziggytheblindtzu

#20. Despite everything she's going through, she's still got that big beautiful smile.

Image credits: janeycakesworld

#21. What a lovely day for a walk in the sun!

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: bee_americanbulldog

#22. Who's a handsome boy? Yes yes, you are!

Image credits: _justanothercountrygirl_

#23. Blind, toothless, and pawsome.

blind dogs are living to the fullestImage credits: louthelump 

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