22 Toilets That Gave Off Threatening Vibes

Manda Garcia

We don't know about you but some people don't want their toilets to be "just toilets." They want where they go to when nature calls to be "one and only" and go well with their styles. They put effort into making this private place as unique as possible. Therefore, others might feel overwhelmed when they see those unusual designs for the first time. Some just couldn't help but took a pic and shared on the Internet so everyone else could see. There's even this Twitter account dedicated to documenting quirky and scary toilets photos submitted by fans all across the world.
We were so impressed (and a bit scared) to check out those uncommon designs that we decided to make a compilation of 22 toilets that gave off threatening vibes to share with you. Scroll down to see for yourself. If you want more of the same, check out our previous post here!

#1. Cock and Ball Registration

Source: scarytoilet

#2. Giving new meaning to "the runs"

Source: neighbours_wifi

#3. It wants a bit of privacy, it’s hiding from the nosy mean toilets

Source: scarytoilet

#4. Prepare to be FLUSHED

Source: scarytoilet

#5. Pooping on expert mode

Source: ConfusingImages

#6. When you use the fill tool without closing your lines

Source: scarytoilet

#7. That sink needs a haircut

Source: scarytoilet

#8. Beam me up, toilet!

Source: scarytoilet

#9. One little puncture and the piss flood is upon us

Source: scarytoilet

#10. "That view would make me shit myself, so I'd be thankful to have a toilet beneath me"

Source: scarytoilet

#11. POV: you’re driving

Source: scarytoilet

#12. Someone will wipe for you

Source: scarytoilet

#13. Someone trying to make prison mochi?

Source: scarytoilet

#14. When you're lactose intolerant but the wedding host insists you help finish off the rest of the cheese board

Source: scarytoilet

#15. Arm rests though?

Toilets That Gave Off Threatening VibesSource: scarytoilet

#16. "My trypanophobia is triggered"

Toilets That Gave Off Threatening VibesSource: scarytoilet

#17. Genuinely terrifying though. Imagine trying to shit there.

Toilets That Gave Off Threatening VibesSource: scarytoilet

#18. After eating spicy chicken wings

Toilets That Gave Off Threatening VibesSource: scarytoilet

#19. This ride's gonna get real rough

Toilets That Gave Off Threatening VibesSource: scarytoilet

#20. What absolute chicken shit

Toilets That Gave Off Threatening VibesSource: scarytoilet

#21. Learned about the Soviet Urine in history class.

Toilets That Gave Off Threatening VibesSource: scarytoilet

#22. Extreme handstands

Toilets That Gave Off Threatening VibesSource: scarytoilet