Can You Name These 22 Genderswapped Actors? It’s Harder Than You Think

Lucas Aquino

Are you confident about your Hollywood knowledge? Can you name every Hollywood actor with just a glance? Then this article is made just for you. Thanks to the power of artificial intelligence and u/logical-haze, these 22 renowned actors have been transformed into their male and female versions. Normally, you can tell them right away, but can you do so with their gender-swapped counterparts?

Imagine what will happen if your normally manly ps of Tom Cruise and Will Smith suddenly grow long hair and put on lipstick, or if muscular performers like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson flaunt their smoking-hot curves alongside their abs? Let’s join us on this chaotic adventure to the gender-bending world of celebrities, and try your best to guess who’s who!

#1. Morgana Freeman With The Trademark Smile

Morgana Freeman With The Trademark Smile Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#2. Tammy Cruise Looks Like A Live-Action Version Of Lara Croft From The Tomb Raider Series

Tammy Cruise Looks Like A Live-Action Version Of Lara Croft From The Tomb Raider Series Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#3. Benedicta Cumberbatch Looks Like A Victorian-Era Young Woman

Benedicta Cumberbatch Looks Like A Victorian-Era Young Woman Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#4. Ironically, Brad Pitt’s Female Counterpart Looks Like His Ex-Wife, Angelina Jolie

Ironically, Brad Pitt’s Female Counterpart Looks Like His Ex-Wife, Angelina Jolie Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#5. Dwayne Johnson Got Some Serious Curves Alongside His Muscle

Dwayne Johnson Got Some Serious Curves Alongside His Muscle Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#6. Keana Reeves Looks Like Someone From A Comic Book

Keana Reeves Looks Like Someone From A Comic Book Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#7. Samantha L. Jackson Looks Like That Foul-Mouthed Old Lady In Your Neighborhood

Samantha L. Jackson Looks Like That Foul-Mouthed Old Lady In Your Neighborhood Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#8. Roberta Downey Jr. In An Extravagant Tuxedo

Roberta Downey Jr. In An Extravagant Tuxedo Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#9. Snoop Dogg With The Trademark Auntie Hairstyle

Snoop Dogg With The Trademark Auntie Hairstyle Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#10. Who Knows Leona Di Caprio Can Be Such A Beauty?

Who Knows Leona Di Caprio Can Be Such A Beauty? Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#11. If Will Smith Ever Has A Daughter, This Is How She Will Look In The Future

If Will Smith Ever Has A Daughter, This Is How She Will Look In The Future Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#12. Martha Damon Looks Surprisingly Good With Those Big Blue Eyes

Martha Damon Looks Surprisingly Good With Those Big Blue Eyes Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#13. Denzelle Washington In The Iconic Black Suit

Denzelle Washington In The Iconic Black Suit Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#14. Christina Walken Looks Like Minerva McGonagall From The Harry Potter Franchise

Christina Walken Looks Like Minerva McGonagall From The Harry Potter Franchise Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#15. Tammy Hanks With The 90s Curly Hairstyle

Tammy Hanks With The 90s Curly Hairstyle Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#16. Mikaela Jackson, Who Can Dance Just As Well As Her Male Counterpart

Mikaela Jackson, Who Can Dance Just As Well As Her Male Counterpart Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#17. Dustina Hoffman With The Karen Hairstyle

Dustina Hoffman With The Karen Hairstyle Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#18. Edna Norton With His Trademark Blue Eyes

Edna Norton With His Trademark Blue Eyes Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#19. Joan Malkovich Looks Like A Victorian Era Grandma Painting

Joan Malkovich Looks Like A Victorian Era Grandma Painting Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#20. This Is Kevin Spacey With The Wig On

This Is Kevin Spacey With The Wig On Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#21. I Love How Russelle Crow Still Have The Beard On

I Love How Russelle Crow Still Have The Beard On Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit

#22. And Last But Not Least, Robina Williams, Who Will Still Live Forever Inside Our Hearts

And Last But Not Least, Robina Williams, Who Will Still Live Forever Inside Our Hearts Source: u/logical_haze, Reddit
Did you manage to guess all of these genderbent actors? Share your answers in the comments.