Kids losing teeth would be so much catastrophe without fantastic myths like the tooth fairy. A little child has lost the first tooth, and it's time for the much-anticipated visit from the gorgeous fairy. Every young boy and girl loves the tooth fairy. Their magic is right up there with Santa and the Easter bunny and marks the moment to celebrate our sweet little angels becoming big kids with a tiny, special treat.
Add to the fun of the tooth fairy coming with our compilation of the funniest tweets about the tooth fairy!
Source: Mountain Shadow Dental (photo used for illustration)
Add to the fun of the tooth fairy coming with our compilation of the funniest tweets about the tooth fairy!
#1. Business kid
Source: @robdelaney
#2. Negotiate with Tooth Fairy
Source: @Savarese_MiaArt
#3. Tooth fairies have seen it all.
Source: @seanmmmiller
#4. No mo'!
Source: @LaurelRosenhall
#5. Smart kid
Source: @johnlevenstein
#6. Pump the price is the first rule of the fairy club.
Source: @marascampo
#7. The most legit of magical creatures
Source: @RogueDadMD
#8. Disney, write this down!
Source: @copymama
#9. Still better than glitter
Source: @whinecheezits
#10. And when you've grown & have to have a tooth removed, you have to pay the tooth fairy (dentist) to do it!
Source: @XplodingUnicorn
#11. Use left hand and tiny letters + little drawings
Source: @natsechobbyist
#12. Financially struggling while so young.
Source: @cydbeer
#13. Oh no
Source: @tap_1_0
#14. Whatever fairies...
Source: @michaelbtomlin
#15. Indeed
Source: @sarabellab123
#16. It sounds like a good plot for a horror movie
Source: @henmack
#17. The bar has been set!!
Source: @MapleSweetheart
#18. He doesn't have time for the tooth fairy
Source: @IDontSpeakWhine
#19. That’s an excellent attitude.
Source: @XplodingUnicorn
#20. Tooth fairy's odor
Source: @brookebreit
#21. Don't you ever ask!!
Source: @Dad_At_Law
#22. That kid worked his/her best.
Source: internet