21 Times People Understood The Definition Of A Rough Day

Cora Wilson

Here we go. Today we are rounding up those who had a rough day. Don't think of us as horribly cruel villains. We strongly sympathize with these folks and see it as a means to console those who are upset when things don't go as planned in a negative way. It is difficult to overcome obstacles and negative emotions on days like these, but we firmly believe that life is fair to everyone. God sends us bad days to test our patience and make us stronger. Surely, by the time you feel successful, you will be grateful for the terrible days. Believe us when we say it's true.
Take a look at 21 times people understood the definition of a rough day. We're confident they'll make you laugh out loud. Are you ready for it? Let's get started and have some fun!

#1. Accidentally spilled coffee grounds on the floor...and all over my child

Source: sheriffduwayne

#2. So I put a sticky trap down and then forgot about it for a few months. I'm terrified of my house now

Source: BananaDick_CuntGrass

#3. My friend went to his room to sleep last night and found rodent prints

Source: gvstop

#4. Thanks, Pam!

Source: slamchops

#5. My apple broke the apple cutter and now I have a weapon

Source: rmbrmeforcenturies

#6. My trip to Mount Rushmore last year

Source: parkourgamer

#7. It never works

Source: Train_Boi_111

#8. I bet Kevin was wondering why people were giving him strange looks at work yesterday

Source: WolfDangler

#9. I work in an office and they told people to dress up. I'm the only one dressed up

Source: 0lidag

#10. Well that was a quick turnaround

Source: Bebopcanoo

#11. How can you f**k up this much?

Source: idea4granted

#12. Windows has encountered a problem with turkey.exe

Source: poopgoose1

#13. The epitome of this sub

Source: OneOne6unashamed

#14. It turns out my new Roomba is perfectly tall enough to absolutely obliterate itself on the bottom of my swivel chair

Source: vectorYee

#15. I thought I should also show you the Shameless perpetrators as I caught them red-handed while going to the supermarket today

Source: FCB_1899

#16. Ouch

Source: AhhTommy

#17. C'mon Kyle

Source: emitremmus27

#18. Group projects always suck

Source: dustofoblivion123

#19. This is what happens when you go on a bike ride when it’s 100 degrees outside without the proper sunscreen

Source: a2susan

#20. Target sent me my order with a security alarm on it...and it’s blinking

Source: F-this

#21. That time I modeled for a clip art company at 16 and ended up on dildo batteries

Source: lrngully