21 Pics That Will Make You Wonder "What The Hell Is Wrong With This World?"

Larry Campbell

People do all sorts of crazy stuff all the time but what’s crazier is when they take a photo of it and post it on the Internet where it stays…FOREVER.

The problem is when you’ve seen them, it’s hard to UN-SEE.

If you haven’t gotten enough of the crazy WTF photos we showed you last week, we’re adding more into your list because, well, it’s fun to share nightmares. And if you aren’t quite producing the liquid laugh by the end of this post, you are one tough mama!

Seriously though, What The Hell Is Wrong With This World?!

#1. Your favourite sandwiches in one awesome drink. Definitely the best time hack for mums!

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: eater.com

#2. Rubber band arms. So what if you lose blood circulation? At least your arms look like a cool FRICKIN worm.

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: buzzfeed.com

#3. Nothing teaches early pregnancy better than this one. Even your baby’s baby’s baby is pregnant. Mind f*ck.

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: twentytwowords.com

#4. Jesus’ parents sure have a weird sense of humour.

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: boredpanda.com

#5. LOL. Pretty hard to unsee once you’ve seen it, huh?

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: huffingtonpost.com

#6. Pumpkin spice. At least you know you’re in season!

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: reddit.com

#7. Love ’em assholes.

Source: complex.com

#8. I’m having a hard time trying to p out this toy, too.

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: comedycentral.co.uk

#9. Now I want like a lipstick stamp on a stick I bring with me to every bathroom just to troll people

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: Ditid

#10. It looks like it is two tired.

Source: AquafieR

#11. Is that... a digital camera???

Source: coriandres

#12. Yeah, that's not going to fit...

Source: ThatMudkipGuy


Source: TheTurtleTamer

#14. Hmmmm

Source: Imgur

#15. The path of bread

Source: KaizerFuckingGibby

#16. WTH

WTHSource: hypnozooid

#17. I have no idea what is going on here, either.

I have no idea what is going on here, eitherSource: ShotMyTatorTots

#18. Well... It IS fresh ground.

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: nanobuilder

#19. Who are these people why are they doing this?

Source: CaptEduardoDelMango

#20. Jesus christ im crying

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: godofkratos3

#21. Ah yes, milk money

what the hell is wrong with this worldSource: nanobuilder

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