21 Funny Things That You Won't Understand Unless You're A Mom

Emily Mahboobeh

All parents live similar lives in some ways, but when it comes to experiences that differ between mom and dad, there are definitely more than a few of those, too. There are some things that only moms are going to get, and if you're one, you will know exactly what we're talking about.
Today, we have compiled articles that mothers around the world have shared on the Internet about things you won't understand unless you're a mom, and they are all brutally hilarious. From cooking dinner on the ground to having the car seat in a mess all the time, these things may sound strange to the unmarried, but to mothers, they're just another everyday occurrence. So if you're a mom, then buckle up, because these posts will be right up your alley! Keep scrolling to check them out. Enjoy!

#1. Cooking dinner on the floor is normal.

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: bfmamatalk

#2. "Sell him on Etsy"

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: Instagram

#3. That feeling though.

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: momistas

#4. In this episode of

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: Unknown

#5. Call me back, please

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: themommlife

#6. It's never fair

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: cynicalparent

#7. Seeing this under the car seat is normal.

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: muther_ruther

#8. In this episode of "Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A Mom":

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: Unknown

#9. Every.damn.time

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: Instagram

#10. Desperate for alone time

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: mommymemest

#11. "I kept them alive"

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: Unknown

#12. Oh, the awful reheated coffee

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: Unknown

#13. Morning vs. night:

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: Unknown

#14. When your kid insists you read the long bedtime story:

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: pocketnow

#15. Taking a picture

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: Unknown

#16. It really the best option

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: reallifemommy3

#17. Been there, done that

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: oneawkwardmom

#18. "Whoo whoo WHOOOOO has candy?"

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: cynicalparent

#19. Every attempt to read a textbook to your child as a bedtime story:

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: flickr

#20. It's freaking stressful

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: alrightmom

#21. The silent treatment

Things You Won't Understand Unless You're A MomSource: Instagram

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