Though we often learn these etiquettes through daily social interaction, they are actually important enough to be written down to remind everyone. You could notice that unspoken rules appear in every aspect of life, some of which even affect a matter of life or death, especially in traffic.
When it comes to life and death, written laws may never be enough to keep us safe. Thus, the unofficial rules exceed the theoretical groundwork for traffic and give us some guidelines to avoid being a goofball on the road.
Whether you're aware of these rules or not, you should still check out this list to make sure you can become a responsible and reliable driver in the long run.
#1 If it’s raining put your God Damn lights on. No matter the time of day
Source: LemonHaze422, Blondinrikard Fröberg
#2 Zipper merging is your friend. Don't be a d**k. Follow the pattern.
Source: Dwight_Bright, jo.sau
#3 Don’t hang out in my blind spot! Either speed up and pass me, or slow down a bit.
Source: towalip804, Quintin Gellar
#4 Green means legal, not safe. Assume everyone is a moron trying to crash into you.
Source: gingerlemon, Chic Bee
#5 Assume everyone else is an idiot.
Source: Lobdobyogi, Tony Webste
#6Don't be nice, be predictable. What this means is, don't slam on your brakes to let someone else go, drive predictably.
Source: Throwaway7219017, Santeri Viinamäk
#7 If it’s your turn to go at a four-way stop, then go. None of this “wave the other guy through” c**p. You’re messing up the sequence.
Source: bluebirdgm, Caleb Oquendo
#8 For the love of god, turn off your brights when you’re behind someone else.
Source: A-rat-on-a-keyboard, Quintin Gellar
#9 ALWAYS!!! and I mean ALWAYS!!! Turn down you music volume when you are attempting to locate an address number or street sign.
Source: anon, Steve Jurvetson
#10 Always leave yourself a way out …
Source: WaffleHouseLove27, cottonbro studio
#11 Put your blinker on before you start to break brake.
Source: towalip804, Mathias Reding
#12 Don’t trust a turn signal.
Source: talikei, Bart Everson
#13 A light tap on the horn is a "heads up" and not an "eff you", so don't take it personally.
Source: robtaylor30, Henry Burrows
#14 Keep your cool. Road rage kills.
Source: theomniconian, Bennilover
#15 Daytime driving lights are not night driving lights.
Source: gossman55, Ivan Radic
#16 Always know what's around you! Know what cars are behind you or in the lane next to you. That way, if you feel you have to change lanes quickly you know whether you can or can't.
Source: TheBubbleSquirrel, RV Hive
#17 If you are on the zoom zoom lane you should go zoom zoom.
Source: Potets1437, Kiwiev
#18 The car with the most duct tape has the right of way ....
Source: DNA1976, Ksenia Chernaya
#19 Try to give other drivers as much information as possible. Always use your turn signals, even in a turn lane. People have no way of knowing if you’re actually about about to turn or not.
Source: purplevioletskies, smoothgroover22
#20 Leave the house ten or fifteen minutes early.
Source: Old_Man_Newb, Steven Miller
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