20 Times Dad Got Photoshopped Into Movie Scenes, And The Results Are Downright Hilarious

Melody Carter

Hmm, what if we combine our dad with a love for movies and a great sense of humor? Boy we got masterpieces, just like Matt Bonito’s hilariously dumb photoshopped photos of his dad, Dom Bonito. And the best part is, we get to chuckle along with 'em!
Matt's a Photoshop whiz, and every December he put his dad into all sorts of crazy situations, with all sorts of goofy poses. From classic movies like Kill Bill Vol.1 and Gladiator to modern favorites like Joker and Star Wars, Matt has inserted his dad into some of the most iconic movie moments of all time. And the results? Pure comedy gold.
But it's not just the clever photo editing that makes these images so funny. It's the expressions on the dad's face as he takes on these larger-than-life roles. Dom is more or less a superstar. And we love him for it! Get ready to laugh your socks off as we take a look at these 20 hilarious movie scenes featuring one of the coolest dads around!

#1 Come on Indy, let's go kill some f*cking Nazis!

Source: the_dadvent

#2 Why are we even screaming?

Source: the_dadvent

#3 Ya need more gold?

Source: the_dadvent

#4 Hmm, it smells funny!

Source: the_dadvent

#5 Are you the man who sings about spaghetti?

Source: the_dadvent

#6 I love Muppets!

Source: the_dadvent

#7 You can't park there, young man!

Source: the_dadvent

#8 Joker who?

Source: the_dadvent

#9 AAAAAA!!!

Source: the_dadvent

#10 In a galaxy far, far away...

Source: the_dadvent

#11 Ah yes, it all becomes clear...

Source: the_dadvent

#12 The Good, The Dad and The Ugly

Source: the_dadvent

#13 I spy with my little eye…

Source: the_dadvent

#14 I'm at the wrong place...

Source: the_dadvent

#15 What are you lookin’ at?

Source: the_dadvent

#16 Boys! Calm down!

Source: the_dadvent

#17 Beard Runner

Source: the_dadvent

#18 This doesn't look like my house!

Source: the_dadvent

#19 I swear those bubbles are coming from the swamp!

Source: the_dadvent

#20 Prepare to die under my toilet plunger!

Source: the_dadvent