Just Mildly Infuriating: 20 Things That Will Still Drive You Crazy

Manda Garcia

Are you the type of person who prides themselves on their patience? Do you consider yourself to be unflappable in the face of adversity? Well, get ready to put your tolerance to the test because we've got a list that's sure to make even the most composed individual lose their cool. We're talking about those little things in life that are just mildly infuriating—the things that aren't catastrophic but still manage to get under our skin. Yes, they are the things that can turn a good day into a bad one in no time flat.

So take a deep breath, grab a stress ball if you need to, and let's dive into the world of mild irritations. Whether you find yourself laughing at the absurdity of it all or gritting your teeth in recognition, one thing is for certain: these 20 things might not be the end of the world, but they'll still drive you crazy.

#1. Help me guys. I’m stuck at the door.

Source: LeJoker8

#2. I don’t play basketball, yet this has appeared in front of my driveway…

Source: Finnyfish

#3. Some random gardener trimmed my bush without warning and just left this mess behind.

Source: Pjotr_plz

#4. My father ordered a Hawaiian pizza with the pineapple on the side.

Source: Spacemancleo

#5. Banana for scale

#6. It’s raining inside.

Source: Jedi_Mind_Chick

#7. Help, need to find my room - 212

Source: this--_--sucks

#8. People sell *say no to plastic* on vinyl stickers????

Source: felix_storm

#9. Even for scam games, this is ridiculous. What are people supposed to do with one shoe?

Source: infinit9

#10. Someone posted my phone number on a sex website.

Source: RPshmuck97

#11. The way my boyfriend takes pills from blisters

Source: avcc1907

#12. Seriously?

Source: PackyP

#13. While I wasn’t the one having to smell her feet, this is the worst type of person.

#14. Maybe it's just me, but I hate this clock so much.

#15. Five minutes before closing…

Source: lizardman_2000

#16. "Of course I know how acronyms work. I'm not stupid."

#17. They’re not in line! So triggering!

Source: L0rdLogan

#18. This can't be real.

#19. First ever break-in

Source: ThegatiX

#20. There's just so much street parking available instead of blocking the sidewalk.