20 Stellar Star Wars Memes For All The Jedis Out There

Lucas Aquino

When it comes to the best sci-fi franchise ever in the history of Hollywood, few can surpass the Star Wars saga in terms of both popularity and epic. The George Lucas’s iconic franchise features anything you need in a lengthy space chronicle: thrilling action sequences, groundbreaking special effects that far exceed the technology back then, and the vast and bountiful far-far away galaxy that it creates. Star Wars also introduces to us memorable characters like Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Darth Vader, and has become a cultural phenomenon that spans generations.

Besides the actions, the epic franchise is also known for its iconic lines and hilarious moments scattered here and there, with many becoming internet memes that never fail to give us a good chuckle. From Obi-Wan’s “Hello there,” to Yoda’s unorthodox speech patterns, there are so many sequences in Star Wars that are meme-able, and today, we are going through this week’s best Star Wars memes to start your Tuesday with a bang.

#1. That's some real character development right there.

#2. Anakin has gained some weight, it seems.

#3. How to pick up girls 101, the Skywalkers style.

#4. Did he windu tho?

#5. 50 (visible) Shades of Obi-Wan.

#6. It runs in the blood.

#7. *Sad Anakin noises*

#8. Who need the Lightsabers when you can Avada Kedavra the Jedis out of existence?

#9. Ba dum tsss.

#10. Me every morning.

#11. I see Vader has finally embraced his dad status.

#12. General Winnie the Pooh.

#13. Obi-Hunk Kenobi.

#14. The Jedi knew what they were doing.

Source: Bored Panda

#15. Not the brightest one, you are.

Source: Bored Panda

#16. [Visible Happiness]

#17. Hello there.

#18. This is outrageous. It's unfair!

#19. The future is now, Anakin.

Source: Tumblr

What do you think of these Star Wars memes? Share yours in the comment!