20+ Silly Notes From Kids That Certainly Have You In Stitches

Carolyn Mullet

There is no doubt that kids are a constant source of amusement and fun. With their naive minds, they often leave us in hysterics without any intention of making jokes. The way they talk or behave is just beyond our understanding, which sometimes startles and baffles us. In many cases, we are so helpless by their silly ideas that we couldn’t do anything but chuckle at their manners. The same rule goes for what they write.
Kids are simple-minded because of their ignorance of social norms, so they own pure honesty and directness. Generally, this characteristic is one of their strengths, but it might lead to brutal comments about people around them. The fact that a kid only loves their mom from time to time is understandable, but sending the mother a note with such content is definitely not a good idea. When a kid says sorry to you, maybe they don’t intend to embrace their mistake. Let them write down their thoughts, and you’ll probably realize that their words are only the first part of the whole sentence “sorry because of nothing”.
It seems easier to write the thoughts down on paper than to say them in words. Thus, give your children a chance to note down what they’ve got in mind, and you’ll see their incredible logic. For instance, you may know that your kids’ desire is simple as being a dog when they grow up or practical as getting paid for their teeth from the tooth fairy. Don’t forget to take a picture of these hilarious notes, save to your phone and share them with others.
Here, we’ve collected a list of 24 funny notes children send to their parents, teachers, friends, or god and fairy. Scroll through them to boost your spirit with lots of laughs!

#1 Whatever happened to unconditional love?

Source: imgur.com

#2 One little girl’s polite way of saying “thanks, but no thanks!” LOL…

Source: twitter.com

#3 What every teacher wants to hear.

Source: medium.com

#4 Really sad or just a good manipulator?

Source: imgur.com

#5Tooth Fairy better pay up…

Source: passiveaggressivenotes.com

#6Does Sarah consider them friends, too?

Source: jron.tumblr.com

#7 What we all mean when we apologize

Source: imgur.com

#8 100% effective

Source: imgur.com

#9 Yeah Shawn, get it together LOL…

Source: reddit/r/funny/

#10 Someone’s grumpy

Source: imgur.com

#11 Slightly violent, but clearly loves her mama…

Source: imgur.com

#12Sorry Brody, not sorry

Source: imgur.com

#13 How can you be such a regular mom, mom??

Source: funnyjunk.com

#14 Horable. Do not drink

Source: imgur.com

#15 Poor dad.

Source: imgur.com

#16 Don’t we all?

Source: imgur.com

#17 Mommy must be so proud.

Source: passiveaggressivenotes.com

#18As long as it.. rhymes?

Source: imgur.com

#19How do you like that?

Source: imgur.com

#20 Pick gifts carefully

Source: imgur.com

#21 Good young human

Source: imgur.com

#22 That’s what moms are for

Source: imgur.com

#23 He really dident.

Source: passiveaggressivenotes.com

#24 The young love

Source: imgur.com

Do you have any notes you’ve received from the kids? Let’s share them with us in the comment below, and please check out other posts on the site to get more cool snaps and ideas!