Earlier this week, Chase Bank sent a tweet making fun of its clients who had small bank accounts. The tweet was quickly deleted after a barrage of criticism despite its humorous intent. It turns out that making fun of people's financial struggles doesn't exactly make them laugh.
On the other hand, these Twitter users are aware of the essential elements of a funny money tweet: it must be relevant, relatable, and slightly self-deprecating. Check out the 16 humorous tweets about money below to see what I mean.
On the other hand, these Twitter users are aware of the essential elements of a funny money tweet: it must be relevant, relatable, and slightly self-deprecating. Check out the 16 humorous tweets about money below to see what I mean.
#1. This kid's going places!
Source: RightConstable
#2. Rich parents?
Source: Elegant64AngleYou
#3. Your degree won't pay for itself
Source: dilettantedebrah
#4. Down Bad
Source: BrotherJannis
#5. Credit card machine aggression is real
Source: tacko_belle
#6. They can never know.
Source: EvonyR
#7. The cost of living was entirely different
Source: LavaWealth
#8. It was a good deal
Source: MiracleShadrack
#9. Whole rooms couldn’t be used.
Source: adhe_nsbdq23
#10. It’s not even month end yet
Source: O-shi
#11. Anyone who thinks I cannot be bought is wrong. I’ll get along with all the restless spirits you want for $80/hour
Source: Remarkable_Lecture74
#12. The snake isn’t the problem
Source: targaryenofvalyria
#13. Man’s got a point.
Source: gonebonkerz
#14. It will definitely
Source: sAkeLISc
#15. True Hr lady legend
Source: bdthomasmsncom
#16. This.
Source: dobbyisafreepup
#17. Auto-pay ? I don't know her
Source: imjustheretodomyjob
#18. Try for something substantive.
Source: JuggernautOwn89
#19. Haters to the 10th power
Source: Crescentnobody
#20. Protect your PIN number at the ATM machine
Source: [deleted]