20 Newest Dark Humor Comics By This Popular Artist That Will Leave You LOL

Jeffrey Murphy

If you're a fan of irreverent humor, then you've probably heard of the webcomic sensation Cyanide & Happiness. Created by four friends in 2005, the comic has since taken the world by storm with its dark humor, satirical take on daily life, and iconic stick-p characters.
What sets Cyanide & Happiness apart from other comics is its unapologetic approach to humor. The comic often explores taboo subjects, but it does so in a way that's both clever and hilarious. It's the kind of humor that makes you laugh out loud while also feeling a little guilty for finding it funny.
So if you're looking for a comic that will leave you laughing out loud, look no further than these dark humor comics by Cyanide & Happiness.
More info: Instagram | Website

#1. Had enough...

Source: explosmofficial

The creators of the comic – Kris Wilson, Rob DenBleyker, Matt Melvin, and Dave McElfatrick – started publishing Cyanide & Happiness on their website Explosm.net in 2005. The comic quickly gained popularity, and today it has millions of followers across various social media platforms. The comic has also spawned an animated series, merchandise, and even a card game.

#2. Plastic surgery

Source: explosmofficial

One of the most recognizable elements of Cyanide & Happiness is its simplistic stick-p art style. While some might dismiss it as amateurish, the style perfectly complements the humor and adds to the charm of the comic. The stick-p characters are also incredibly expressive, and their simple designs allow for more exaggerated and absurd situations.

#3. God's work

Source: explosmofficial

The Cyanide & Happiness comics cover a wide range of topics, from dark and twisted to silly and absurd. Some of the most popular recurring themes include death, sex, relationships, and social commentary. The humor is often edgy, but it's always smart and witty.

#4. Economic crisis

Source: explosmofficial

One of the reasons for the comic's success is its relatability. Many of the situations depicted in the comics are situations that most of us have found ourselves in at some point. Whether it's dealing with a difficult coworker or trying to navigate the complexities of a romantic relationship, Cyanide & Happiness always manages to find the humor in the everyday.

#5. Wanna die?

Source: explosmofficial

#6. Teaching in 2023

Source: explosmofficial

#7. Unhealthy relationship

Source: explosmofficial

#8. Special deal

Source: explosmofficial

#9. Hahahahaha

Source: explosmofficial

#10. The dentist

Source: explosmofficial

#11. Caution! Children

Dark Humor ComicsSource: explosmofficial

#12. Controlling

Source: explosmofficial

#13. Drug test

Source: explosmofficial

#14. 1986

Dark Humor ComicsSource: explosmofficial


Source: explosmofficial

#16. Art

Source: explosmofficial

#17. Dear lord...

Dark Humor ComicsSource: explosmofficial

#18. Fixed

Source: explosmofficial

#19. My type

Source: explosmofficial

#20. Party people

Dark Humor ComicsSource: explosmofficial