20 Memes That Are So Relatable That You'll Feel Personally Attacked

Larry Campbell

Despite our desire to stand out and be different, chances are that someone else has previously had the same idea, said the same thing, or done the same thing. They may have even gone a step further and created a meme about it, which is both utterly amusing and horribly relatable.
Posts that perfectly capture this philosophy are shared on the Facebook page "I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme." We've searched through the content on this page to select just the funniest, most truthful memes to share below, with photos that hit the mark with a comic twist in the way that only the truth can manage.


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme


Source: I Feel Personally Attacked By This Meme