20 Jerks Who Can Ruin Anyone's Day With Their Misbehaviors

Larry Campbell

There are many distinct types of people in the world. Those who are entitled, egotistical, and selfish are among the less desirable sorts. You know who we're talking about: the person who believes they are entitled to a free gift, the person who believes they are above standing in line, or Karen, who loses her cool on a helpful worker when things don't go according to plan. Check out this group of extremely entitled individuals who need to grow up and stop making the lives of the rest of us unpleasant.
To sum up, we are surrounded by a gigantic bunch of jerks.

#1. Yes, practically an empty theater

Source: Solidsnake4545

#2. It blocked my track

Source: Solidsnake4545

#3. That bite

Source: Solidsnake4545

#4. "Can only imagine the homes of people who do this"

Source: Solidsnake4545

#5. Tiktoker Dolly sets Margala hills on fire just for a few secs Tiktok vid

Source: Solidsnake4545

#6. Nice wrapping, though

Source: Solidsnake4545

#7. C Pee R

Source: Solidsnake4545

#8. And they provide us with such toilet paper

Source: Solidsnake4545

#9. Is this how rich people park?

Source: Solidsnake4545

#10. "Please do not bend"

Source: Solidsnake4545

#11. "If I could sum up working retail in one image"

Source: Solidsnake4545

#12. "Hey buddy, this is a truck stop, not Costco."

Source: Solidsnake4545

#13. "Letting food go bad cuz ur too lazy to put it back where it goes."

Source: Solidsnake4545

#14. This is how people at my school park…

Source: Solidsnake4545

#15. Nothing says ‘I’m a rich dickhead’ quite like this.

Source: Solidsnake4545

#16. When Karen needs to speak to the manager no barrier will stand in the way.

Source: Solidsnake4545

#17. Who would secretly mixes M&Ms and Skittles together?

Source: RubberchickenKing

#18. Some men just want to watch the world burn

Source: DashingThroughTheNo

#19. Such a d*ck move

Source: Bofur

#20. Caution!!

Source: DeDLySMuRF