20 Hilarious Yoga Comics That You Can Relate To

Emily Mahboobeh

Yoga sometimes seems very serious, but it's important to find the fun side too. These yoga comics bring humor to the practice by nailing those awkward moments in class, overly enthusiastic teachers, and the common struggles of beginners in a way we can all relate to.

Take a look at Savasana, which looks like a scheduled cat nap. But in reality, it's one of the trickiest poses to master. It requires complete relaxation and staying focused on the present moment. Even though some people (and penguins!) may love this pose, it's not as easy as it seems!

So, take a moment to enjoy these yoga comics that make light of funny situations on the yoga mat. We bet they'll make you laugh and remind you how yoga can also be very playful and enjoyable. Let's dive right in!

#1. Only true masters of yoga can attain such a level.

#2. Happy you say...

Source: Baathrix

#3. Progression.

Source: Bizarro Comics

#4. Awesome.

Source: Guy and Rodd

#5. Hold it in.

Source: Lee

#6. Most days.

Source: Gemma Correll

#7. Stayyy!!!

Source: Gillian Burns

#8. Me too!

Source: Dan Thompson

#9. Pose.

Source: Dave Coverly

#10. "You'll need two blocks, a strap, and a bottle of yoga shampoo..."

Source: Bizarro Comics

#11. Yoga is like cooking:

Source: Yoga're Treats

#12. Flexible.

Source: Comedy card

#13. Mat.

Source: Pinterest

#14. Uh-oh.

Source: Dave Coverly

#15. Trying to focus on the present moment is easier said than done...

Source: Pajama Diaries

#16. especially when pizza is on the mind.

Source: Gemma Correll

#17. Yo.. never mind.

#18. Do you ever feel, like a...

Source: Off the mark

#19. plastic balloon.

Source: Off the mark

#20. All these poses:

Source: Pajama Diaries

If you enjoyed these hilarious yoga comics, make sure to check out some more funny and awesome artwork herehere.