20 Evil Co-Workers From Hell Who Aren't Just Meant To Work With

Larry Campbell

Some employees truly are a gift from God. You find your teammates to help you climb that steep career ladder, make lifelong friends, fall in love, meet your heroes, and find your team. They make meetings funny, lunch breaks less isolating, and deadlines, well, deadlines are deadlines no matter what.
However, occasionally your coworkers are the exact opposite. They exacerbate the difficulty of executing your task and make the entire process considerably less enjoyable. Let me assure you that you are not the only one coping with such a coworker. Millions of people manage their most obnoxious, unreasonable, or downright nasty coworkers because, well, that's what you're supposed to do, right?
This article by Aubtu's authors is a safe space to vent and speak about difficult things, so if you're too exhausted to handle this on your own, check it out. Bring your chair closer as you peruse through the accounts of horrible coworkers before submitting your own tales in the comments section!

#1. My Coworker Has A Tendency To Spill His Cereal Walking Out Of The Kitchen In The Morning And Just Leave It There. I Made It Modern Art

Source: unthused

#2. I Work With An Office Full Of Sadists

Source: NoTick

#3. Feed Me, Seymour! In My Office, A Coworker Has Been Growing This Vine For Years. The Office Manager Wants It Gone. I Like It

Source: visuraXD

#4. Coworkers Brought Binoculars To Work To Perv On Young Beach Goers Today

Source: good_interiors

#5. Coworker Brought His Dog To The Office. Dog Did This, Coworker Says “I’m Real Busy So Can Some Else Get It”

Source: alwayz4word

#6. My Passive Aggressive Coworker Saw Me Shut A Slightly Open Drawer On My Way To The Bathroom…Came Back Out To This

Source: ZorkfromOrk

#7. Coworkers Don’t Know How Coolers Work

Source: buckydean

#8. We Have A Serial Pooper At Work

Source: Gypsyxox

#9. Inspired By The Other Cigarette Butt Post. I Give You My Coworkers…

Source: Klaxon722

#10. My Coworker’s Desktop

Source: modrid81

#11. My Coworker Takes Off His Smelly Shoes And Sleeps In The Break Room While We Eat Lunch

Source: shredbmc

#12. My Coworker Yawned While Using My Computer And Left This For Me

Source: butt_funnel

#13. I Have Evil Coworkers Who Like To Prank Me. Fortunately, I Don’t Look When I Type Anyways

Source: segasaver

#14. My Coworkers Typhoid Mug

Source: scraplog

#15. The Way My Coworker Used My Tape

Source: chillicheesefrog

#16. The Way My Coworkers Park

Source: Gohjy

#17. Had To Use My Coworkers Office Today Who Is On Vacation To Make Some Phone Calls. This Is What His Phone Cord Looks Like

Source: marissakalyn

#18. Some Asshole In My Office: “Damn, That Was Close. If I Took That Last Ice Cube I Might Have To Refill The Tray”

Source: Canisteo99

#19. My Hospital Coworker Rests Her Lollipop On Her Phone Screen

Source: Icroe

#20. Coworkers Who Do This To My Dry Erase Markers

Source: MakeSandwichesNotWar