20 Amazing Things People Randomly Learned When They Were "Today Years Old"

Leona Martinez

Learning is a never-ending process. Knowledge is infinite and there are always new things to discover. According to Henry Ford, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” As a result, learning is the best way to keep your mind young and sharp. People around the world have shared random things they learned when they were "today years old" on Twitter, and they are so interesting.

We have chosen some of the most mind-blowing facts. Scroll down to check them out for yourself. Don't forget to vote for your favs. We hope that this list can inspire you to keep learning new things. If you are still thirsty for more random amazing things, check out 23 Disturbing But Interesting Facts About The Ocean That’ll Freak You Out & Make You Say ‘Whoa?!’

#1. And a year's worth of free kfc

Source: todayyearsoldig

#2. The owl looks offended!

Source: SarahO_Connell

#3. LMAO

Source: SheaCoulee

#4. I do not know...

Source: Jordan_Coombe

#5. That's a cute and fascinating fact

Source: omynthe

#6. Not parking in front of a fire hydrant

Source: bryan_spoon

#7. I did not know that

Source: soapachu

#8. His daughter?

Source: ThatEricAlper

#9. How cute

Source: Rachael_Conrad

#10. It is cute

Source: Kokomothegreat

#11. Hmmm...

Random Things People LearnedSource: _youhadonejob1

#12. Hahahahaha

Random Things People LearnedSource: MuellerSheWrote

#13. Hmmm

Random Things People LearnedSource: Shxperienced

#14. And?

Random Things People LearnedSource: yourpappalardo

#15. *cries in Android*

Random Things People LearnedSource: brokemycoccyx

#16. What??

Random Things People LearnedSource: ColleenB123

#17. Cool!

Random Things People LearnedSource: SamSykesSwears

#18. Oh. My. God.

Random Things People LearnedSource: upstephanie

#19. Holy crap

Random Things People LearnedSource: Advil

#20. Oh god

Random Things People LearnedSource: bakbakbakkerr