18 Witty People Who Enjoy Parenting In Clever Way

Carolyn Mullet

Being a parent is the most demanding full-time job ever, without a doubt. Parents are responsible for thousands of tasks and struggle with their own lives, but they can’t keep their eyes off their beloved children. Today, raising a child becomes even more challenging with the rapid development of advanced technology. The gap between generations has widened, giving parents more headaches to keep a close-knit relationship with their kids. 
When society changes, methods to approach sensitive children should be changed too. Parents can hardly raise their kids the same way they were reared in the past. Decades ago, there were no iPhones or computer games that could separate generations in a family. In contrast, now, many probably barely understand what their kids text their friends. If there’s something still remaining the same, however, it must be the importance of a good sense of humor in parenting.
Parenting is tough, and sometimes tasks may become really boring and exhausting. That’s why a funny bone is a pill for parents to boost their spirit and bring them closer to their kids. Who could feel annoyed or angry with witty parents who crack them into laughter with clever ideas?
Scroll down to see how parenting turns out so amusing for these genius people!


Source: twitter.com


Source: imgur.com


Source: instagram.com

#4 “Here’s a thing I invented today.”

Source: © peloquindmidian / Reddit

#5 "Sometimes parenting be like"

Source: © Shizzzler / Reddit

#6 “Our Halloween costume this year”

Source: © SomeGuyWearingPants / Reddit


Source: instagram.com

#8 "It’s important to introduce trauma to your child early on in their lives"

Source: © TimidAttackCat / Reddit


Source: instagram.com

#10 For every action there is a reaction

Source: skoften.net

#11“Anyone preparing some April Fools’ pranks?”

Source: © moschocolate* / Reddit

#12 "When your kid has the day off but you don’t.

Source: © BelowZilch / Reddit

#13 The Kiwi's grow large here in Asia.

Source: © DanielTalkThai / Reddit

#14 "When you work from home and have to keep the baby home from daycare... humor is all that keeps you going."

Source: © sillyvizsla/ Reddit


Parenting In Clever WaySource: instagram.com

#16 His dad’s gift for his 14th birthday? A beard, obviously.

Source: instagram.com

#17 Dad mocks daughter on Instagram and gets more followers than her

Source: instagram.com

#18 Kids’ gamepads aren’t even connected

Parenting In Clever WaySource: pinterest.com

Let’s share these hilarious pics with your family and friends! Do your parents have a crazy bone? Share your unforgettable experiences with them in the comment and subscribe to our website to get more cool photos and ideas!