18 Hilarious Tweets About Therapy That Look At The Positive Side Of It

Manda Garcia

Having to go to see the therapist is the last thing we would want for ourselves or anyone else. But avoiding therapy is not a good idea though. Listen to yourself first, if you are constantly mentally unstable or you think you have some signs of mental issues, please go see a therapist immediately to prevent further consequences. To help you stop hesitating to go for treatment, we will show you there is a positive side of it that's worth trying.
We collected 18 of the most hilarious therapy tweets by the most humorous people we know on Twitter. Scroll down for some fun! You will see that reaching out for mental help is not the end of the world at all.


Source: violinbee01


Source: lowkeyalbert


Source: amandagelmore


Source: ElyKreimendahl


Source: coolauntV


Source: corietjohnson


Source: ElyKreimendahl


Source: alexdrag_


Source: sissythatpatch


Source: macandcheesish


Source: Ilanakariuki1


Source: cal_gif


Source: pauIoini


Source: milkinhisbag


Source: ConanOBrien


Source: LurkAtHomeMom


Source: livstadler


Source: aparnapkin