In the realm of showbiz, there have been many devastating cases when a talented celebrity tragically passed away due to various reasons. Actors and artists such as Robin Williams, Amy Winehouse, and Kurt Cobain all left us when they were still in the prime of their careers, leaving fans stunned and heartbroken.
In today’s article, let’s look at some of the most famous celebrities who have tragically passed away in the past decades, but this time as beautiful angels. Using the AI app Midjourney, Redditor u/supremeleaderstonk has successfully reimagined our favorite performers as angels, and the result is quite heavenly. Let’s dive right in.
Amy Winehouse Looks Like She’s Sleeping Peacefully
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Anthony Bourdain Will Continue To Cook The Best Food In Heaven
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Biggie Smalls, A Talented Rapper Who Tragically Passed Away So Soon
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
The King Of Wakanda, Chadwick Boseman, Passed Away As A Hero
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
The Legend Of The Sport, Kobe Bryant Himself
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Robin Williams, One Of The Most Talented And Wholesome Actors In This Century
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Aaliyah, A Promising Young Artist Who Left This Life In A Horrible Plane Crash
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Anton Yelchin Passed Away At Just 27 In A Car Accident
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Chester Bennington, The Legendary Vocalist Of Linkin Park, Had Been Battling Depression In The Later Years Of His Life
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
David Bowie, The Legendary Singer With A Distinctive Voice
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
I Know, Albert Einstein Isn’t A Celebrity, But Just Had To Include Him As Well
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
George Michael, A Man Of Many Talents, And The Creator Of “Last Christmas”
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Passing Away At Just 26, Mac Miller Still Had A Whole Future Ahead Of Him
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Human Or Angel, Marilyn Monroe’s Beauty Is Unmatched
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Paul Walker’s Tragic Accident Still Haunts Us Until This Day
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, One Of The Most Famous Lawyers In The US
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
And Last But Not Least, Kurt Cobain, The Acclaimed Artist Whose Death Saddened Us All
Source: u/supremeleaderstonk, Reddit
Are you a fan of any celebrity above? What do you think of these pictures? Share your thoughts in the comments.