16 Tweets That Had Us In The First Half, But Turned Out To Be Really Chaotic

Larry Campbell

What truly makes us feel alive and emotional as humans is the power of the unexpected. Even while we may be aware of some events' beginnings, our minds are not always able to predict their outcomes. We recall things differently and become more curious when we read stories with unexpected endings. We chose a few tweets that will challenge your expectations because of this.

The world we live in is not like the Movies. Frequently, life is slow, monotonous, and very unromantic. But occasionally, life will surprise you with a significant plot twist that would even make M. Night Shyamalan envious. The responses from these 15 Twitter users, who described the largest real-life narrative twists they've ever encountered, are absolutely mind-blowing. Sincerity speaking, I wouldn't be shocked if Hollywood attempted to make some of these into films.


Source: 3sunzzz


Source: Chhapiness


Source: luc3wilk0


Source: justinguarini


Source: TheBoydP


Source: austinlockedup


Source: ColdHeart_Prj


Source: velempinin


Source: HenpeckedHal


Source: DiegoComedy


Source: aSouthernPenny


Source: aardvarsk


Source: karencheee


Source: FrankiCookney


Source: bielleogy


Source: HenpeckedHal