16 Random Disney Quotes That Will Totally Catch You Off Guard

Lucas Aquino

Disney movies are full of hilarious moments, and we, as viewers, love every single one of them. The House of the Mouse's directors and scriptwriters seem to know exactly what would make the audience laugh, and the creativity in their jokes and dialogues somehow always exceeds our expectations and catches us off guard. Their sense of humor has no limits: from silly playful quips to darker and adult jokes, everything can be a good material to make us split our sides. That's the reason why not only children but also adults can enjoy Disney films.
And Disney is always filled with countless hysterical lines, said by iconic characters that never fail to give us a good laugh. Some of them are so funny, we don't even need to rewatch the movies to remember them. Feel free to laugh your head off at these 16 random yet hilarious Disney quotes that were taken out of context as a fun way to start your day.

#1 Let's start with Kuzco, who woke up and chose to roast every concubine in the palace.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#2 Emotional Damage.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#3 We all have that one guy in our group of friends.

Source: Pixar Animation

#4 Grandma being the best wingwoman in the whole movie.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#5 Megara proving why she's one of the best heroines in Disney.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#6 Someone gets Narcissus an ambulance please.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#7 Edgar'll forver be missed.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#8 I was too young back then to understand this joke.

Source: Pixar Animation

#9 One of the best scenes in the movie.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#10 Pirate of The Caribbean franchise in a nutshell.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#11 Jack got his priorities right.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#12 You take that back lady!

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#13 The story of my life.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#14 This is hilarious and deep at the same time.

Source: Walt Disney Studios

#15 I see what you did there, Mike.

Source: Pixar Animation

#16 No matter what Russell says, his cuteness is too precious for this world!

Source: Pixar Animation