16 Astonishing Fan Arts That Bring Disney Animated And Live-Action Films Together In One Frame

Lucas Aquino

Back when 3D animation and CGI weren’t even a thing, Disney animated Movies have been an important part of our childhood. Masterpieces such as Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, or Cinderella amazed us all with the animation quality that far surpassed the technology at the time, the beautifully drawn characters and effects, and the equally breathtaking story that came along.

However, after The Princess and the Frog in 2009, the House of Mouse doesn’t release 2D animated movies anymore, but instead focuses on 3D animated movies and live-action remakes which take less time to make and look more appealing to the younger audience. While some of the modern movies are very good, sometimes they don’t pack the same punch as the Disney classics.

Instagram illustrator Ema Rajabova, who’s a fan of old-school Disney movies, has decided to combine the best of both worlds by putting the live-action Disney characters into the animated classic universe. The result is magical, to say the least, as we get to see characters the animated and Emma Watson's Belle together in the same frame.

Let’s dive right into Ema’s work, and see for yourself how an animated and live-action movie can blend together to create a brand-new Disney masterpiece.

#1. Robin Williams passing the torch to Will Smith, who plays Genie in the live-action version.

#2. The two Mad Hatters are getting ready for a luxurious tea party.

#3. Both versions of Gisele are walking together down the aisle.

#4. Meanwhile, the two Edwards are goofing off outside of her home.

#5. The flower is mine, Beast!

#6. No one says no to Gaston, especially now there're two of them.

#7. Alice meeting her older self in Mia Wasikowska.

#8. Ready to dance, Bellas?

#9. What's one thing in common for Belle and Emma Watson's Hermione? They're both huge book nerds.

#10. The two Cinderellas donning their best gowns for the prom.

#11. When the two Sleeping Beauties meet.

#12. Naomi Scott's Jasmine met her animated self while wandering the market.

#13. One Maleficent, two very different fates.

#14. The two Mulans are crossing swords to find out who's the best warrior in China.

#15. Prepare for trouble, and make it double, Anastasia.

#16. Animated Baloo's expression when meeting his real-life version never fails to make me laugh.

Would you like to see a Disney movie where the animated characters and their live-action versions meet? How would the movie turn out? Let us know in the comments.