15 Mind-Blowing Movie Facts That Most Viewers Didn’t Have A Clue

Melody Carter

Here's the thing: with so many movies at our fingertips, it's hard not to get overwhelmed. Are we really engaging with these films or just mindlessly scrolling through Netflix?
And don't even get me started on franchises. It's like they're holding our wallets hostage. "You have to watch every single movie in the series," they say. It's a never-ending cycle of sequels, remakes, and reimaginings. Urgh! I mean, sure, it's profitable for the studios, but what about the mid-priced films? And where have all the rom-coms gone? Sometimes all we need are just some fun facts to laugh at, or surprising Easter eggs to impress our friends.
Luckily, we've got the Film Facts Twitter account to drive us back to good oldies and help us navigate this crazy world of movies. They've got all the juicy production trivia and hidden details to freshen your cinematic favorites. Just scroll on down!

#1 Star Wars

Source: Factsonfilm

#2 Mulan

Source: Factsonfilm

#3 Moana

Source: Factsonfilm

#4 Batman Begins

Source: Factsonfilm

#5 The Witch

Source: Factsonfilm

#6 Deadpool

Source: Factsonfilm

#7 Spider-Man: No Way Home

Source: Factsonfilm

#8 Narnia Franchise

Source: Factsonfilm

#9 Harry Potter

Source: Factsonfilm

#10 The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

Source: Factsonfilm

#11 Django Unchained

Source: Factsonfilm

#12 The Lord Of The Rings

Source: Factsonfilm

#13 Everything Everywhere All At Once

Source: Factsonfilm

#14 Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Source: Factsonfilm

#15 The Bodyguard 2

Source: Factsonfilm

#16 Parasite

Source: Factsonfilm

#17 Twins

Source: Factsonfilm

#18 Up

Source: Factsonfilm

#19 Suicide Squad

Source: Factsonfilm

#20 Kung-Fu Panda

Source: Factsonfilm