15 Epic MCU Trailer Scenes That Didn’t Appear In The Final Movie

Lucas Aquino

If there is an international prize for the most misleading movie trailers ever, Marvel Studios will definitely take the top spot. Don’t get me wrong, the MCU trailers are among the best, which attract millions of views from fans each time they release a new one. Marvel trailers are of course action-packed, with some stunning visuals which reveal the main characters and glimpses of the main story. 

However, not all the epic scenes in Marvel trailers could make it to the final movie. They could happen for various reasons, whether the studio doesn’t want to give away an important twist in the movie, or that particular scene didn’t make it past the editing stage. However, with the MCU, this trend has happened one time too many. Let’s take a look at these 15 fantastic trailer shots released by Marvel, that unfortunately didn’t have the chance to appear on the big screen and left fans with a bitter taste in their mouth.

#1. Iron Man and Spider-Man’s traversal scene together (Spider-Man: Homecoming)

A team-up between Tony Stark and Peter Parker was the most anticipated scene in the first MCU Spider-Man movie, however, it didn’t happen a lot. Mostly, it was Peter who caused and tried to fix his problems, and Iron Man came after to clean up his mess. This particular scene was the one that hurt fans the most, as it was nowhere to be found in the official movie.

#2. Infinity War’s charging scene with Hulk (Avengers: Infinity War)

Source: Marvel

In the trailer, we get to see Steve Rogers, Natasha, King T’Challa, Bucky, and Banner in Hulk form, rushing to the battlefield along with Okoye and the rest of the Wakandan soldiers. Of course, this scene didn’t make it to the final stage, as we all know how the Hulk refused to fight after getting demolished by Thanos in space, and Banner had to use the Hulk-Buster to fight instead.

#3. Guardians of the Galaxy prisoner shoot (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Source: Marvel

Probably one of the most badass scenes in the trailer, however, the official movie in 2014 didn’t feature it. This particular sequence shows that the Guardians have come a long way, from cosmic hoodlums to the true protector of the universe.

#4. Hela destroys Mjolnir (Thor: Ragnarok)

Source: Marvel

While this epic scene still appears in Thor: Ragnarok, the background is a bit different: in the movie, it was a vast field somewhere in Norway, but in the trailer, it took place in a random alley in the street of New York. A deleted cut of the movie also shows Odin as a ragtag homeless person, who was brutally killed afterward by Hela instead of passing away peacefully.

#5. Tony Stark assists Black Widow to fire his gauntlet (Iron Man 2)

Source: Marvel

Before becoming a dad, Tony Stark was much more of an aloof womanizer back then, and even the famed Black Widow was one of his targets. In the trailer for Iron Man 2, Tony, who was oblivious to Natasha’s real identity, tries to win over her heart by letting her shoot his Iron Man gauntlet. Natasha didn’t appear at the actual party, though, as she has something more important to do instead.

#6. Black Widow, again, fires a pistol in Endgame (Avengers: Endgame)

Source: Marvel

Served as a decoy by Marvel to not reveal too much about the movie’s heavy plotline, this scene wasn’t missed much by Marvel fans. I mean, who in the right mind would bring a Glock to an epic cosmic battle? Natasha didn’t get to survive to participate in the fight against Thanos either, having sacrificed herself to retrieve the Soul Stone on Vormir.

#7. Bruce Banner’s meeting with Doctor Sampson (The Incredible Hulk)

All the way back to when Bruce Banner was still Edward Norton, there’s a scene in the trailer that shows his encounter with Doc Leonard Sampson, an ally of his in the comic. In the movie, however, while Sampson still appears as Betty Ross’s love interest, he and Bruce didn’t get the chance to meet privately.

#8. Ultron rising from molten metal (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

Source: Marvel

While this is an epic cut from the trailer that shows how intimidating Ultron is as an antagonist, it didn’t get the chance to debut in the final movie. Ultron is such an iconic villain in the comics, but many believe his potential was wasted in the second Avengers movie.

#9. The mysterious woman at the Water of Sight (Also in Avengers: Age of Ultron)

Source: Marvel

After seeing a dark future caused by Wanda Maximoff’s magic, Thor left the Avengers to find the Water of Sight, a location that helps the Norse gods to experience future visions of the Nine realms, to see that future once again. In the trailer, there was a mysterious woman, whom many believe was one of the Norn, the Norse goddesses of fate. However, for some reason, she was removed from the theatrical release.

#10. Scott Lang questioning the Ant-Man moniker (Ant-Man)

Source: Marvel

The comedic scene about Scott Lang asking Hank Pym to change the Ant-Man name was cut from the movie, but fans didn’t mind since it was a minor detail. Lang eventually takes the mantle at the end, and becomes one of the most unique heroes so far in the MCU.

#11. Yellowjacket replaces Falcon (Also in Ant-Man)

Source: Marvel

The reason for this change is simple: Marvel wanted to hide Anthony Mackie’s secret cameo as Falcon until the release date, and it was a job well done by the studio. In fact, Ant-Man and Yellowjacket didn’t get to fight until the end of the movie.

#12. Peter’s Homecoming Suit in the charity event (Spider-Man: Far From Home)

Source: Marvel

In the trailer Peter uses the Homecoming suit to make a speech at the event, however it was removed in the main movie and replaced with the Iron Spider suit instead. It was rumored that the classic suit post-production visual didn’t make it to the final editing stages.

#13. Loki’s throne ascension (Loki Series)

Source: Marvel

Loki was a wild confusing ride that delved further into the Multiverse, and this particular scene where the God of Mischief standing on the throne of Asgard never made it to the official series. It was later revealed by Natalie Holt that the scene was supposed to be part of Loki’s time loop at the TVA, relieving various memories from different timelines and universes. 

#14. Loki juggling his knives (Thor: Ragnarok)

Source: Marvel

One of the most anticipated scenes in Ragnarok’s trailer didn’t make it to the final stage, which sees Loki coolly flip his knives in his hand while walking towards the serpent sanctuary, where the Asgardians hid from Hela’s rampage. Another removed sequence included Thor, Loki, the Hulk, and Valkyrie on the Bifrost, but in the movie, Banner was busy fighting Surtur and Fenrir at the time. 

#15. Fit Thor charging up the Stormbreaker (Avengers: Endgame)

Source: Marvel

Many expected the God of Thunder would have his redemption arc in Endgame, after he failed to execute Thanos in Infinity War, which resulted in the snap that make half the universe’s population disappear. However, the reality is often disappointing. In the sequel, Thor was reduced to an unmotivated overweight mess with unwashed long hair, who’d rather stay home to trash-talk Noobmaster69 in Fortnite than travel to the past to save his friends.

Which one of these scenes should have been included in the main movie? Which one do you like the most? Let us know in the comment.