15 Biggest Celebrities Transformation: See How They Changed Over The Years

Jimmy Henton

It's no secret that celebrities frequently change their appearances. Nonetheless, some well-known people have undergone significant changes in a short amount of time. That makes sense given that they are frequently evaluated for their looks and behavior in public. Some of these changes are so noticeable that you may find yourself looking in the mirror to make sure you're still looking at the same person.
Think of Adele with her cat-eye liner and long gowns or Jennifer Aniston with her constantly iconic hair as examples of celebrities that are noted for having a highly distinctive appearance or style that identifies them. Contrarily, many superstars are notorious for drastically altering their appearance, making them appear to be different people at all times.
Stars may easily get a full makeover anytime they want thanks to the abundance of hair stylists, makeup artists, personal trainers, dietitians, stylists, and (let's be honest) cosmetic surgeons at their disposal. Why would they change their appearances? Who knows, perhaps they want to experiment. Nevertheless, below are some of the most notable celebrity transformations over the years.

#1 Natalie Dormer

Celebrities TransformationSource: BIGPICTURESPHOTO.COM / EAST NEWS, © ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo, MediaPunch / face to face / East News

#2 Dua Lipa

Source: © dualipa / Instagram, VALERIE MACON / AFP / East News, Invision / Invision / East News

Dua Lipa hasn't always exuded such assurance.

#3 Jared Leto

Source: BIGPICTURESPHOTO.COM / EAST NEWS, Richard Shotwell / Invision / AP/ East News, Invision / Invision / East News

It's a given that Jared Leto has experience adjusting his appearance.

#4 Lucy Liu

Source: Andy Kropa / Invision / AP / East News, Invision / Invision / East News, Invision / Invision / East News

#5 Robert Pattinson

Celebrities TransformationSource: Marechal Aurore / ABACA / EAST NEWS, Andy Kropa / Invision / AP / East News, Invision / Invision / East News

#6 Gwen Stefani

Celebrities TransformationSource: © Featureflash Archive / Alamy Stock Photo© Doug Peters / Alamy Stock Photo, NPA / The Grosby Group / EAST NEWS

#7 Nicolas Cage

Source: Photo By John Barrett / PHOTOlink.net / East News, Gregorio T. Binuya / Everett Collection / EAST NEWS, Invision / Invision / East News

#8 Renée Zellweger

Celebrities TransformationSource: ASSOCIATED PRESS / East News, ZAK BRIAN / SIPA / EAST NEWS, Invision / Invision / East News

#9 Orlando Bloom

Celebrities TransformationSource: John Shearer / Invision / AP / East News, Kristin Callahan / Everett Collection / EAST NEWS, Invision / Invision / East News

#10 Natalie Portman

Source: EAST NEWS, Invision / Invision / East News, Invision / Invision / East News

#11 Christina Aguilera

Source: Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection / East News, © Tsuni / USA / Alamy Stock Photo, Invision / Invision / East News

#12 Madonna

Celebrities TransformationSource: AF Archive / David Gadd / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News, zz / Dennis Van Tine / STAR MAX / IPx / Associated Press / East News, face to face / FaceToFace / REPORTER / East News

At over 60 years old, Madonna had a child again.

#13 Zoë Kravitz

Celebrities TransformationSource: LaurentVu / SIPA / EAST NEWS, ANGELA WEISS / AFP / East News, Invision / Invision / East News

#14 Ralph Fiennes

Source: Mary Evans / AF Archive / Graham Whitby Boot / East News, Mary Evans / AF Archive / Graham Whitby Boot / East News, Kazuko Wakayama / KCS / East News

#15 Lisa

Source: © lalalalisa_m / Instagram, Collin Xavier / Image Press Agency ABACA / Abaca/ East News, © lalalalisa_m / Instagram