Being photographed by paparazzi and taking cheesy selfies with their fans is nothing new for celebrities. But while some stars avoid being photographed, others do not seem to mind. Heck, some of them even enjoy popping into the shot when they have not been asked for a photo. So keep watching to see when famous people don't take themselves too seriously, resulting in some of the funniest photobombs ever. Continue reading because we guarantee you'll laugh out loud at these 26 times celebrities photobombed their fans.
We've compiled a list of the funniest and most epic celebrity photobombs you'll ever see. And let's face it, we all adore celebrities, and many of us dream of the day we meet our favorites. But we don't have to wait for it to happen, thanks to people who get to meet famous people and record the moment on camera. So let's have fun by scrolling down and checking them all out now; enjoy!
We've compiled a list of the funniest and most epic celebrity photobombs you'll ever see. And let's face it, we all adore celebrities, and many of us dream of the day we meet our favorites. But we don't have to wait for it to happen, thanks to people who get to meet famous people and record the moment on camera. So let's have fun by scrolling down and checking them all out now; enjoy!
#1. Bill does as Bill wants:
Source: ew00d
#2. This photo has been terminated.
Source: imgur
#3. Arnold being Arnold!
Source: schwarzenegger
#4. Oh hi there, Maisie Williams.
Source: Hebablo
#5. Is Michael Sera touching your should bud?
Source: HighDefGradient
#6. Classic Jim.
Source: forbiddendoughnut
#7. Sleepyhead.
Source: flickr
#8. Was he his fan?! Or the other way around?
Source: groucho29
#9. Bill Murray and Tom Hanks are starting to look alike.
Source: yoobot
#10. Photobomb level over 9000
Source: Unknown
#11. An epic photo bomb by Ken Jeong.
Source: Unknown
#12. Photobomb level : Jake Gyllenhaal
Source: Unknown
#13. Spotted: a Hemsworth out in the wild.
Source: marieclaire
#14. Hi Beyoncé!
Source: marieclaire
#15. George Clooney making all of us third-wheelers proud.
Source: marieclaire
#16. Jason Segel photobombed this Philly couple's photoshoots
Source: twistedoaksstudio
#17. Celebrities photobombed level: Jimmy Fallon and two Chrises, Pratt and Hemsworth.
Source: insider
#18. He also photobombed some tourists alongside Jon Hamm.
Source: insider
#19. Amy Schumer was out for a run when she decided to take a break and join an engagement photoshoot
Source: amyschumer
#20. Jason Momoa channeled his inner Aquaman for this wedding shoot:
Source: ericlm
#21. Tom Hanks came upon a couple in Central Park and decided to hop in a few photos with them
Source: tomhanks
#22. Met the professional photo-bomber: The Rock.
Source: huffpost
#23. Jimmy Fallon is at it again (feat Cameron Diaz).
Source: Unknown
#24. Just Robert Pattinson trying to hide from Twilight fans.
Source: Unknown
#25. "We got photobombed by Aaron Paul (and Kellan Lutz) at Coachella yesterday"
Source: arkyde
#26. Just JB having fun.
Source: dailymail