25 Twisted Drawings By ToonHole For Those Who Like Surprising Endings

Leona Martinez

There are many ways of looking at life. Some individuals see it in black and white, while others see it through a more subjective lens. However, Toonhole Chris offers one of the most abstract and unique points of view that you can see in his comics.
ToonHole Chris’ real name is Chris Allison and he has been making comics for 10 years. He jokes that all he does is "We draw sh*t." And as you can see, it's something he does very well indeed. "From reinterpreting the meaning of 'baby shower', satirizing war and the fight for democracy, and putting a dark spin on the Cartoon Network's Adventure Time to poking fun at Pokemon Go, Toon Hole will make you laugh with their awesome alternative outlook on life." - a comment about the talented man.
So, where do his unique ideas come from? His inspiration for a comic is like magic, as he shared. “It can come from anywhere. A conversation, a book, an overheard conversation, a misheard word, or seeing somebody trip on the sidewalk. There are no rules!” And, for him, it took him 3 hours to make each comic from start to finish.
Although creating comics takes a lot of time, the artist still wants to do it. He also advises those who want to create comics with the aim of making people laugh simply: "DO IT". "There is no shortcut or secret path to getting good at making comics other than making comics. Do good drawings, do bad drawings, do whatever drawings you can,” Toonhole advises. "Failure is part of growth, so you don't give up until you make a perfect comic."
There is a lot of tragedy in the world right now, and artist Toonhole is trying to use his time to bring laughter to people. Hopefully, his comics listed below will make you giggle. Scroll down for 25 ToonHole's twisted drawings.

#1 Modern Love Problems Requires Modern Solutions!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#2 I’m Deaf, Honey!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#3 Wi-Fi, new love!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#4 But that’s painful…

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#5 Oh, Hi Pikachu!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#6 But that poor soul was enjoying it!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#7 That’s it!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#8 Thank Heavens! Everyone is safe

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#9 You Poor Thing!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#10 Procrastinator!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#11 Sick Boy!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#12 There has been a change in plans

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#13 Poor Santa!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#14 Oops! Sometimes it’s important to say sorry at the right time

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#15 It’s not wrong to say: Fake it, till you make it

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#16 Broke-Dance Vs Break-Dance!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#17 At least he’s being honest

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#18 True Story!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#19 Very Apt! That’s a sad reality

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#20 This is what we call the “Friend Zone”

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#21 Well, at least they are listening to him

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#22 Well, isn’t that a booger eating problem?

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#23 Too much makeup!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#24 Reality of today’s era

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#25 And they lived happily ever after

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#26 Someone please listen to him

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#27 When the economy is a little too bad

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#28 Oh Dad! You are hilarious

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#29 This doctor surely knows how to have fun

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan

#30 A Blind Date with Dark Humor!

ToonHole's twisted drawingsSource: toonholeryan