These 20 People Asked To Be Roasted and Got Nuked Mercilessly

Robert Whitman-Byrne

Allow me to explain "roast me" in case you have been living under a rock for the past few years. People can upload pictures of themselves holding a piece of paper or a placard that reads "roast me" to the subreddit /r/roastme. This is likely done to make sure the person asking to be roast is actually in the picture and not just someone using that person's photo.
Then, other Reddit users will post comments on the article with a funny, witty, or downright savage roast of the subject. The community's members vote on and rank the comments over time, with the best ones rising to the top.


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld


Source: Ebaumsworld