10 Movie Costumes That Actors Never Want To Put On Again

Sharon McFadden

We might see these movie costumes as beautiful and iconic, but they’re total nightmares for these actors. Yes, they might look great to the audience, but they are surely not comfortable for the people who wear them. Some have too many layers, others have too little coverage. Either way, these actors are glad that they don't have to wear them again.
So let's find out the stories behind these movie costumes and why these movie stars dislike them so much. Do you spot your favorite outfit on the list?

1. Chris Hemsworth — Thor

movie costumes, Chris Hemsworth — ThorSource: Disney/ Courtesy of Everett Collection

The armor of the Norse god might look cool and majestic on screen, but it was very uncomfortable in real life. Chris Hemsworth revealed that he got upset when he woke up in the morning just by thinking about having to put on the outfit.
During the shooting process, Hemsworth bulked up so much that he hardly fit into the costume anymore. The sleeves would get so tight to the point they would cut off the blood flow in his arms and his hands would start going numb. Hemsworth was only able to continue his work after the costume designers altered the outfit.

2. Elizabeth Olsen — Scarlet Witch

movie costumes, Elizabeth Olsen — Scarlet WitchSource: Marvel/ Courtesy of Everett Collection

In Avengers, Elizabeth Olsen noticed that other actresses were more covered and she was the only one with her cleavage showing up in the costume. The actress didn’t have a problem wearing a corset, but she wished her chest could have been covered up more.
However, Olsen did acknowledge her costume in the movie was much better than how it was in the comics. "But then you look at where it started in the comic books and it was a leotard and a headband so…oh, it's horrible, it’s so horrible. So at least they know that’s not cool," she said.

3. Margot Robbie — Harley Quinn

movie costumes, Margot Robbie — Harley QuinnSource: Warner Bros. Pictures/ Courtesy of Everett Collection

Many would think Margot Robbie’s look as Harley Quinn in the first Suicide Squad movie was iconic, but the actress would rather forget that it had ever happened. Looking back at the outfit, we don’t blame her. She was put in tiny sequin shorts, fishnet tights, and a ripped white T-shirt that would get wet later on. The wet white T-shirt became so clingy that she felt self-conscious about it.
And her character was deeply sexualized by the outfit too. Luckily, the designers noticed how inappropriate this attire was and decided to give her brand new costumes in later movies.

4. Kit Harington — Jon Snow

movie costumes, Kit Harington — Jon SnowSource: HBO/ Courtesy of Everett Collection

Kit Harington isn’t a big fan of his majestic fur costume in Game of Thrones. The actor revealed that it was super heavy and felt like it weighed a ton. The costume designers seemed to only add more weights to the outfit every following year. Plus, it smelled awful.

5. Emilia Clarke — Daenerys

movie costumes. Emilia Clarke — DaenerysSource: HBO/ Courtesy of Everett Collection

Emilia Clarke also doesn’t have a fond memory of her costumes in Game of Thrones. According to the actress, the male costumes had a special cooling system inside. The girls weren’t as lucky. Some scenes were filmed in hotter climates and Clarke was only allowed to lift her wig up.

6. Angelina Jolie — Lara Croft

Angelina Jolie — Lara Croft, Movie CostumesSource: Paramount Pictures/ Courtesy of Everett Collection

Angelina Jolie’s look in Tomb Raider might leave many people in awe, but the actress was not impressed. It was too tight to be comfortable for her. Plus, to look like the original Lara Croft in the computer game, Jolie had to pad up her breast with padded prosthetics.

7. Carrie Fisher — Princess Leia

Carrie Fisher — Princess Leia, Movie CostumesSource: 20th Century Fox/ Courtesy of Everett Collection

Carrie Fisher hated her revealing attire in Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi. During the scenes where Princess Leia was captured and imprisoned by Jabba the Hutt, Fisher had to put on a metallic bikini and a very revealing skirt. She couldn’t even sit comfortably in it as anything else other than straight would have lines on her sides showing up.
Fisher thinks this type of costume is bad, even for supermodels. It objectified a woman and sexualized them. Fisher supported other actresses who acted in the latest episodes of Star Wars to fight for their right not to wear such outfits.

8. Robert Downey Jr. — Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr. — Iron Man, Movie CostumesSource: Marvel/ Courtesy of Everett Collection

The onscreen Iron Man suits were cool and all, but in real life, they were anything but comfortable. It was so claustrophobic that it broke Robert Downey, Jr.’s spirit after he had to spend a couple of hours inside it. He even described wearing the Iron Man costume as being “tarred and feathered and covered in machine parts.” In the end, they decided to bring in the stunt team.

9. Jennifer Lawrence — Mystique

Jennifer Lawrence — Mystique, Movie CostumesSource: 20th Century Fox/ Courtesy of Everett Collection

The whole process of transforming Jennifer Lawrence into the legendary shapeshifter Mystique took 6 hours. The actress was covered in paint and prosthetics and the costume was super restrictive.
Lawrence recalled that she couldn’t go to the bathroom normally because the costume wouldn’t let her sit down. She had to pee while standing up, using a small funnel. This made her Mystique costume cultivate “a distinct smell.”

10. Jim Carrey — The Grinch

Jim Carrey — The Grinch, Movie CostumesSource: Universal Pictures/ Courtesy of Everett Collection

Speaking of heavy makeup, Jim Carrey’s transformation in the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas was so straining that the crew had to get a CIA specialist to train Carrey to cope with torture. The actor recalled the process as “being buried alive each day,” and he wasn’t wrong.
It took 8 hours to apply Carrey’s full-body makeup prosthetics and costume. The process was later shortened to 2 hours of application and 1 hour of removal. However, it would repeat 92 times more before the movie was finished.
Those movie costumes suddenly sound much less cool, eh? Is there any outfit that you would like to try on? Speaking of film attires, there are some pretty cool behind-the-scenes facts about iconic horror movie costumes that can blow your mind. Ready to uncover the secrets behind the spook?