25 Sad Cringe Posts That Are No Good For A Fragile Heart

Manda Garcia

Life loves to play with people's feelings. It cannot always be full of rainbows, flowers, sunshine, and adorable kitten pictures. One day might be filled with hope, brightness, energy and motivation. The next day might be full of challenges, disappointments and sadness. You can't avoid experiencing some misery, pain, and embarrassing situations in life, which later may make you want to be invisible for your own sake. The ‘Sad Cringe’ online community on Reddit documents these exact moments. The moments that walk the fine line between sad and cringy that will stay forever as screenshots on the Internet.
We've taken a tour of this subreddit and collected 25 of the most "sad cringe" moments that you may not know whether to cry or laugh at them. If you want more of the same, don't forget to join r/sadcringe on Reddit!

#1. Poor dude...

Sad Cringe PostsSource: reddit

#2. A Marriage Story

Sad Cringe PostsSource: mabelleamie

#3. After all that....

Sad Cringe PostsSource: Xboxjuanlol

#4. Ouch

Sad Cringe PostsSource: Vermille

#5. More sad than cringe

Sad Cringe PostsSource: BonoboBamboozler

#6. Cucked Jpeg owner

Sad Cringe PostsSource: Vito_Dorito

#7. This man is never gonna make the first move ever again. Damn that is rough.

Source: SoonerFan619

#8. A short story

Sad Cringe PostsSource: Onfour

#9. Ahh

Sad Cringe PostsSource: RyanWhittaerFE16

#10. Well that one hurt

Sad Cringe PostsSource: Wheeler_Chair

#11. Fuck Vanessa

Sad Cringe PostsSource: Paperclip00007

#12. Oh no, so sorry

Sad Cringe PostsSource: scourge1313

#13. That's just unfortunante

Sad Cringe PostsSource: bulgururur

#14. Big talk from someone named after a type of cracker

Sad Cringe PostsSource: nerdy112233

#15. Wrong person mum

Sad Cringe PostsSource: Roaming_Dinosaur

#16. What the hell was her plan? Just hope he doesn't show up?

Sad Cringe PostsSource: pyreonfire

#17. When your 20 year plan gets derailed...

Sad Cringe PostsSource: reddit

#18. "Be the change you want to see in the world Walmart."

Sad Cringe PostsSource: slowkay

#19. The truth is sad

Sad Cringe PostsSource: ekatstonk

#20. Oooof. Sorry bro

Sad Cringe PostsSource: baconlover09

#21. Instagram questions aren't anonymous

Sad Cringe PostsSource: AndrewLonergan

#22. Yeesh

Sad Cringe PostsSource: LMAO_HAHA_WOW

#23. Ah man

Sad Cringe PostsSource: leonnell_5

#24. "My man messed up"

Sad Cringe PostsSource: Seb_04

#25. So sad

Sad Cringe PostsSource: Fishylips

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