RedDot’s Fresh NSFW Comics That'll Turn Your Expressions Into Memes

Leona Martinez

What are we? The most talented and intelligent species that have ever existed on Earth? Correct! Are we the only species born with a variety of internal feelings and absurd thoughts? Correct! What's even more humorous is that many of us are unable to recognize such a shameful aspect of ourselves. The surreal, mildly spooky, and chock-full of quirky twists in the “RedDot” series will make you both smirk and perspire!
Artist Kim has been making “RedDot” artworks for four years. She began the cartoon as part of her initial New Year’s commitment to maintaining a hobby. Then she has thankfully seen it develop into something she is proud of. Nothing is off limits, not even innuendo, erotic puns, parodies, history memes, or talking butt plugs. She does enjoy giving an apparently commonplace situation a sinister spin. As she doesn’t confine her comics to a single subject, it always feels as if she is coming up with something new and is not confining herself to a specific genre. Whether it is a foot fetish, Helen of Troy-related insecurities, or a connection to Satan.
Kim’s comics cover a wide range of topics, from sexy innuendos to the agony of Spanx. She is more than willing to explore the idea of what is considered to be inappropriate since she finds it amusing. In fact, as long as it is humorous, she will consider anything for her next concept. You see that time is passing more slowly as you get tired of your daily tasks. The majority of people would concur that humor simply tastes better with a little edge. Dark humor jokes are a good way to express this, and if the pandemic annoys your life and you have been struggling to unwind, we have the ideal piece of art for you.
In light of the fact that life is not designed to make sense all the time, it is even more meaningful to live if you are extraordinary. Kim continues to produce comic books mostly for people’s amusement. Her lighthearted art is aimed to make you smile and provoke thoughts about the setbacks you’ve experienced. We all have dark thoughts in our heads but are unable to express them in public which can be proved by the 40 ridiculous “RedDot” comics that follow. Here we go!

#1 Thanos snapped…

Source: the__reddot

#2 Meet up

Source: the__reddot

#3 Body armor

Source: the__reddot

#4 Lunch break

Source: the__reddot

#5 Itty bitty

Source: the__reddot

#6 Nobody does

Source: the__reddot

#7 Optimism

Source: the__reddot

#8 Here you go

Source: the__reddot

#9 Flotation problems

Source: the__reddot

#10 Lucky statue

Source: the__reddot

#11 Periodd

Source: the__reddot

#12 Rip it off

Source: the__reddot

#13 New toy!!

Source: the__reddot

#14 Weight lifting

Source: the__reddot

#15 Hold up…

Source: the__reddot

#16 Creepy creeper

Source: the__reddot

#17 Oh bother

Source: the__reddot

#18 You Need Jesus

Source: the__reddot

#19 This is cursed

Source: the__reddot

#20 Vampire stuff

Source: the__reddot

#21 Who will win?

Source: the__reddot

#22 The swing

Source: the__reddot

#23 Magical reinforcement

Source: the__reddot

#24 I know, right??

Source: the__reddot

#25 Possession

Source: the__reddot

#26 Tease

Source: the__reddot

#27 NARF!

Source: the__reddot

#28 A chance encounter

Source: the__reddot

#29 Kingdom

Source: the__reddot

#30 Who knows

Source: the__reddot

#31 Going to moms

Source: the__reddot

#32 The test

Source: the__reddot

#33 funny feeling

Source: the__reddot

#34 Iconic pic

Source: the__reddot

#35 Argh…

Source: the__reddot

#36 Ironic but true

Source: the__reddot

#37 Never again

Source: the__reddot

#38 Overkill

Source: the__reddot

#39 G marks the spot

Source: the__reddot

#40 Try me…

Source: the__reddot