18 Hilarious Pics That Prove Life Is A Comedy Film

Cora Wilson

Laughter is the best medicine. If you put a smile on your face on a bad day, it will start a chain reaction of happiness. People are born to laugh. On average, children laugh 400 times every day. Laughing is an absolute gesture of joy for them. Unfortunately, the older we get, the less we laugh. Adults chuckle about 14 times every day. However, in today's modern life, people are getting busier. They become so accustomed to stress that they forget the significance of smiles. And when they look back, they will realize life is boring.
We've compiled the funniest pictures that prove life is a comedy film to help you get through the day. These random hilarious moments make us wonder if each day is an episode of a comedy film. Let’s scroll down and check them out. Enjoy!

#1. Mom! You've Made A Huge Mistake!

Source: adammolens

#2. Lion In The Wild

Source: Lopsided-Lab-m0use

#3. This Is Just A Picture Of A T-Rex

Source: Ruffffian

#4. An Actual Ad In My City

Source: Mrprivatejackson

#5. I Used To Fake Showers. I Would Turn On The Water But Not Get In. My Mom Caught Me Once And That Was The Last Time I Did That Again

Source: Hiuuuhk

#6. Saw This At My Local Bookstore

Source: ringdinger

#7. The Last One Comes With A Shoulder Harness-Great!

Source: Ianmartin573

#8. A Moose In Alaska Broke A Window And Wound Up In A Home Basement Today

Source: SpyingForTheNSA

#9. 5yo Student Found The Answers In The Back Of The Book

Source: SMIMB

#10. My Buddy Is Going Through A Divorce And Just Found Out His Wife's Family Is Still Using His Amazon Video After A Year Of Her Not Signing, So He Did This

Source: _MothMan

#11. Parents Make Mistakes Too

Source: 0NlX

#12. My Dog Doing His Best To Catch A Frisbee

Source: jcbouche

#13. Cat Falling Off Of Wall

Source: zudduz

#14. My Cat Snuck In The Basement While I Was Priming The Furnace


#15. Some Restrooms Require A Sacrifice

Source: namelyrealize45

#16. My Dad Made A Logic Map To Help Him When He Argues With My Mom

Source: pm_me_your_buds

#17. A Friend Of Mine Called A Restaurant About A Spelling Mistake On Their Sign. And They Changed It

Source: enis_with_a_p


#18. A Tree Fell On My Fence. Making The Best Of It While I Negotiate The Repair

Source: the_future_is_wild