29 Hilarious Photos Reveal Why Women REALLY Live Longer Than Men

Emily Mahboobeh

Scientists have wondered for decades: Why do women live longer than men? And now we know why. Whether they are about the kinds of jobs that men take, which usually require physical strength or the fact that men are more likely to engage in smoking and drinking habits, studies show that men tend to die younger than women. Now, this is not to scare men in general. Of course, people, including women, will live longer if they cut out bad habits and live a stress-free life. But these pictures of men will prove that, yes, women really live longer than men. Why? Just take a look and try not to die laughing (but it will be impossible because their recklessness is just so next level!)

From a daredevil who hung off a skyscraper using only his feet to a welder who lit his cigarette using a blow torch, these daft blokes have gotten themselves into some very dangerous situations. As much as men reject the stereotype that "boys will be boys," their actions prove otherwise. So let's laugh together by checking out the stupid things they do and hoping that the men around you won't try to do the same. Enjoy!

#1. Because this is how they work as a team:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: Pinterest

#2. Because they think they can always have each other’s “back”

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: Pinterest

#3. Because of trying stuff like this:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: blazepress

#4. Because they take risks like this:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: Flickr

#5. Because it’s just all in the “head”

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: pinimg

#6. Because they’re too lazy to grab a lighter:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: groundzeroweb

#7. Because they want to test the missiles… themselves:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: Unknown

#8. Because they say "It's okay! I'll catch it!"

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: Unknown

#9. Because this is how they clean:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: UVE

#10. Because they can, so they'll do it:

Source: Unknown

#11. Because they think this is safe enough to take their heads out:

Source: player

#12. Because for them harnesses are a hassle.

Source: Pinterest

#13. Because they think water and electricity are friends.

Captured On CameraSource: Pinterest

#14. Because this is how they have fun:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: Unknown

#15. Because of fixing things like this:

Source: olsten

 #16. Or like this:

Source: Unknown

#17. And this:

Source: Unknown

#18. Because these really did not think it through, did they?

Captured On CameraSource: cynicalhumor

 #19. Haha "It works," they say.

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: imgur

#20. Because they like to clean like this:

Captured On CameraSource: JrB11784

#21. Or working out like this:

Captured On CameraSource: fitnessmadeclear

#22. Because they really trust each other like this:

Captured On CameraSource: woodycarpenter1

#23. And like this:

Captured On CameraSource: Hadtwohurt

#24. Because they think this is the right way to do:

Captured On CameraSource: verganas

#25. Because little sparkle won't hurt:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: Unknown

#26. Either a selfie:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: Unknown

#27. Because they live on the edge like this:

Source: Unknown

#28. And this:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: verganas

#29. And lastly, because they are... just stupid:

Women REALLY Live Longer Than MenSource: Unknown

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