Ridiculous Things That Celebrities Have Asked For

Larry Campbell

Celebs are known for being extraordinary and completely different from us in some ways. We're not sure if celebrities make odd requests in their contracts because they are genuinely spoilt or if they are testing the limits of what is unreasonable. In any case, a lot of their requests are humorous, so we decided to round them up for you:

1. Weird Al Yankovic

Source: Getty

For a long time, Weird Al requested a fresh Hawaiian shirt from every venue he performed at. He took out that clause after collecting several hundred shirts.

2. Adele

Source: CNN

While on tour in North America, Adele explicitly forbade serving her North American beer.

3. Liam Neeson

Source: Universal

Neeson, aware that his Irish accent had been made fun of in a Family Guy episode, agreed to star in Seth McFarlane’s A Million Ways To Die In the West on one condition: that he was allowed to play a cowboy with an Irish accent.

4. CeeLo Green

Source: Gary He for M&M'S

CeeLo’s backstage demands include red M&Ms and vodka.

5. Samuel L. Jackson

Source: Getty

Jackson loves golf. Enough that all of his film contracts ensure he can golf at least twice a week. Do you think he ever goes, “I’ve had it with these mother!@#$in’ strokes on this mother!@#$in’ green”? (Sorry.)

6. Jack White

Source: Getty

Not only does White insist on one bowl of fresh, chunky home-made guacamole in his dressing room… He even provides a handy recipe to follow.

7. Steve McQueen

Source: Fox/Warner Bros.

When McQueen starred opposite rival actor Paul Newman in The Towering Inferno, he insisted that the script be rewritten so that the two had the exact same number of lines. Surprised we never saw a spite-based line of “McQueen’s Own salad dressing.

8. Queen

Source: Getty

Whenever Queen were feeling a bit annoyed before a show, they would demand their opening act keep the noise down so they could get ready without distractions.

9. Jennifer Lopez

Source: Instagram

J-Lo doesn’t like to be distracted by horrible colors. Her dressing room rider requests a white room, white flowers, white tables, white drapes, white candles, white couches and tepid water.

10. Mike Myers

Source: Alamy

Myers was unhappy with the voice he’d chosen for Shrek, and asked to re-record almost every line, which cost $5 million. He felt a Scottish brogue was more true to Shrek as “working-class.” Somehow, I think DreamWorks forgave him.

11. Lady Gaga

Source: AP

Gaga once included a “Mannequin with puffy pink pubic hair” in her rider.

12. Ben Affleck

Source: Twitter

Affleck grew up in Massachusetts as a massive Red Sox fan. Enough so that he refused to wear a Yankees hat in the movie Gone Girl. Some people may call that unnecessary. Those people just don’t understand friggin’ loyalty, kid.

13. Gary Busey

Source: AP

Busey once refused to film a scene set in heaven because the set was inaccurate. Busey had “seen heaven” during a near-death experience, and wanted to get it right, including the fact that there were apparently no mirrors in heaven.

14. Cher

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Cher requires an entire separate room to keep her human hair wigs in.

15. Sean Connery

Source: United Artists

Connery required that his name be 25% larger than any other cast member on any promotional material for Goldfinger. Making him honestly, the perfect choice for a spy who’s obsessed with telling people his name.