We’ve rounded up 30 dangerous yet funny times when OSHA Safety Regulations made no sense to people. Check them out below!
#1. Sparks
Source: Jarrett Paul Mattson
#2. Teamwork makes dreamwork
Source: Kaytyn Sean Reddy
#3. What the hell is going on here?!
Source: Tyson Neuenschwander
#4. What are these lads doing down there? Wrong answers only!
Source: Stoyan Andreev
#5. Why is he doing that when there's some perfectly good plastic buckets right next to him??
Source: Brian Roenicke
#6. Make sure to take your OSHA approved 30 minute naps to stay rested and alert
Source: RJ Moore
#7. It looks like it’s wedged up there pretty good!
Source: Richard Pruitt
#8. "I feel like I trust the ladder pillar more than the one next to it..."
Source: Lizander Sanchez
#9. It's just a kid playing with his toy car. Hardly dangerous.
Source: Fletcher Warren
#10. It's all fun and games until until you hit a stump hole
Source: Kevin Phillips
#11. Need to get rid of that kidney stone? Here's a paper clip, straighten it out, wet both ends and insert.
Source: Krystal Nōne
#12. "I'm actually impressed he managed to get up there without bailing"
Source: Sean Davis
#13. "I was trying to p out if this was being used as a tiny water heater or if it is piping percolated coffee into another room."
Source: Jamie Glover
#14. Never mind hiding it, who the hell is replacing their smoke detector?!
Source: Ky Van Nguyen
#15. If that glass breaks so does he
Source: Felipe Jr Rodriguez
#16. Thank you for working safely. Mostly.
Source: Tom Wilson
#17. Whatever works, apparently.
Source: ტარიელ მიაზგაშვილი
#18. It always sucks being the lightest person on a crew!
Source: Trip Lupin
#19. Found in someone’s house
Source: Jake Greencorn
#20. On this episode of 1,000 Ways To Die
Source: Frank Bunge
#21. Peter Parker in his other day job as friendly neighborhood electrician
Source: Elizanne Gardner
#22. Donald Trump found a new job! And he learned his lesson from the eclipse! Proud of him.
Source: Bear Gohr
#23. Not just a job. It’s an adventure.
Source: Ron Dunlap
#24. Calling ISO 45001, this is an emergency
Source: Abdullah Ahmed
#25. Got your back, bud
Source: Dalziel Chircop
#26. Hmmm
Source: Noah Haley
#27. No you can't
Source: Angela Olive
#28. No gloves though?
Source: David Noah Perkins
#29. Just fixing the AC, nothing wrong here
Source: Preecha Pinsook
#30. Electrical… Approved!
Source: Ca Hi
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