We have written a lot of articles about times when kids made their parents die laughing because of their cuteness and their innocent thoughts. However, we forgot about where their huge sense of humor is from. Of course, their humor is inherited from their parents. So, our post today is all about the moments when moms and dads made their kids' jaws drop. If you are interested in this topic, scroll down to check out funny pictures of humorous parents.
Many children around the world are sharing hilarious pictures of their moms and dads. And we have chosen some of the best pics for you. From the laugh-out-loud threat to their daily fails, these humorous parents have proved that life with them never gets dull.
#1. My dad refuses to dispose of this battery pack. He refuses to believe they can explode
Source: OriginWizard
#2. My mom everyone
Source: Aeydeetea
#3. Mom told me the rooster was after her today. Had to check the security camera to verify
Source: gypsypanthr
#4. Walked in on my dad solving a sudoku like this
Source: HighPriestCthulu
#5. I was served this onion ring tower while dining with my mom
Source: SuperCub
#6. Dad bought mom a new mask
Source: jeanlagrande
#7. My dad got rid of a perfectly functional mirror and put this new mirror unevenly
Source: Rndmdudu
#8. 1988: My dad was denied entry to a club in Mexico bc he was wearing shorts so my mom gave him her pants
Source: Casparslide26
#9. We have plenty of charging cables and my mom has decided to use this one
Source: spookidooki9
#10. How my dad uses his ipad
Source: shamspotato
#11. My mum is using her brand new phone as a stand for her old phone
Source: reddit
#12. My mom crocheted my dog a cigar
Source: Panixcx
#13. The way my dad puts things away in the fridge. This is a piece of steak
Source: itchy_buthole
#14. The way my dad cuts avocados
Source: IamAdogHi
#15. Dropped in on my kids’ Zoom classes - payback for all the interruptions to my work calls
Source: esmithiii
#16. My dad’s phone. Left it to barge overnight, woke up and saw this
Source: RedHot_Dragon
#17. My dad hung up a photo
Source: DoctorYT152
#18. My dads screen protector on his phone
Source: Dunked0n
#19. Told my dad to dispose correctly of his broken phone (the battery was expanding). Found it now, years later, hidden in a wooden drawer. It was still glued together when I last saw it
Source: cla7997
#20. My mom only wanted the chocolate part
Source: xSummerxNightsx
#21. The time my mom tried to make booties for our dog and ended up making her look like a hooker
Source: Bobby824
#22. I don't think my mom understands how her rice cooker works
Source: Uedn
#23. My mom had a pic of my dad in her wallet like this
Source: cuck_shed_lord_69
#24. Mom you are embarrassing me
Source: notyouravrgd
#25. Mom has had enough of my little bro
Source: M_M_F_I_C
If you want more funny pictures of humorous parents, you can check out our related posts here.