Let's be honest, the whole "entering adulthood" is just one big series of things you wish you'd known and things you're sort of forced to do. Because back when we were children, no one told us that when we grow up to be adults, we will struggle every day to take care of our mental health, our body, and our bank accounts. Then, on most days, we failed at least one of them. What if we want to maintain a work-life balance? Then give up the high-paying job. So what if we want to cook a healthy dinner tonight? Then there will be no time to go to the gym. And what if we want to have children while still achieving our goals? Get out of here with that nonsense!
Even though we are typically eager to leave childhood behind, as adults, we realize that being an adult actually kind of sucks. But hey! Keep our chins up because we are pretty sure we are not lonely survivors in this adulthood. As these tweets will show you, there are indeed a lot of struggling folks like you out there. So let's buckle up and be ready to dive in because this ride will make you feel both seen and attacked, or maybe even shed a tear from laughing too hard. Now let's go ahead, scroll down, and check them out. Enjoy!
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Even though we are typically eager to leave childhood behind, as adults, we realize that being an adult actually kind of sucks. But hey! Keep our chins up because we are pretty sure we are not lonely survivors in this adulthood. As these tweets will show you, there are indeed a lot of struggling folks like you out there. So let's buckle up and be ready to dive in because this ride will make you feel both seen and attacked, or maybe even shed a tear from laughing too hard. Now let's go ahead, scroll down, and check them out. Enjoy!
#1. Wait till you are 49. It's impossible to do 69.
Source: molly7anne
#2. TRUE!
Source: donfrijole
#3. Oh, the time management:
Source: PallaviGunalan
#4. Or "10 minutes of privacy is locking the bathroom door"
Source: Kozher_FG
#5. "Oh yea, I miss not feeling guilty when doing nothing..."
Source: tee_babz
#6. Well... The table has been tabled
Source: adventurousMug
#7. Sleep-eat-work-repeat:
Source: Eden_Eats
#8. Truth!
Source: MacBaaby
#9. I felt it on a spiritual level.
Source: primawesome
#10. We've all bin there
Source: Craigadd
Source: romangiivenchy
#12. This is me every morning
Source: alexdransfeldt
#13. If you're a musician, that's typically the best available career move, yes.
Source: uhhdamn
#14. For real and that makes me sad
Source: kennybeifa97
#15. This:
Source: theactionpod
#16. Mad is an understatement. It's infuriating.
Source: AbbyHasIssues
#17. A not so fun Haiku about adulthood:
Source: Kica333
#18. "Crying is not an emergency"
Source: 9GAG
#19. Amen!
Source: prettyboynavi
#20. The struggle is so real
Source: glamgamine
#21. Like seriously how does dust accumulate in a matter of 2 days??
Source: isabelfulla
#22. Yup, that's why I bring my pillow everywhere I go
Source: portmanteauface
#23. This hits hard.
Source: livewithnoregrt
#24. I mean...
Source: eliesaaabs
#25. It's a sh*t cycle
Source: tyresexm
#26. And then waiting for people who are late anyway.
Source: AbbyHasIssues
#27. "At least that'll make a good story later"
Source: InternetHippo
#28. Sounds about right.
Source: omgrelatabIe
#29. Not to mention bags too.
Source: madameanthro
#30. Lastly, we all know this will all work out well:
Source: KentoCapuchon
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