25 People Who Hilariously Give An Insight Into What Married Life Is

Manda Garcia

As a matter of fact, marriage is not an easy task. It's neither all about romance and kisses nor a grave of love, as some might say. Instead, married life is a long-term relationship in which you spend the rest of your life with your loved one and you will walk through the ups and downs together. Of course, having difficult times, arguments, shoutings, or worse, heartbreaks are inevitable. However, there are definitely funny moments along the way, even when you two are in the middle of a fight over random stuff, such as toilet paper or how to arrange things in the house. If you are in need of something to boost your mood, you can rely on these people on Twitter who have turned their marriage life into hilarious tweets.
We’ve put together 25 of the funniest tweets about marriage that will have you laughing all day. Check out and share them with your spouse!

#1. Let's ask the dog, he knows everything

Source: KeetPotato

#2. Don't forget about the blaming each other part

Source: AntsyButterfly

#3. And all of sudden, everything doesn't look the same

Source: missmulrooney

#4. It is a real battle

Source: Lhlodder

#5. "Why would I need a haunted house"

Source: maryfairybobrry

#6. So excited to spend the life with the one person you dislike slightly less than anyone else

Source: CrockettForReal

#7. Who needs escape rooms to feel trapped and confused for an hour

Source: mommajessiec

#8. There's one thing that a marriage with respect and trust can't overcome

Source: KentWGraham

#9. So thoughtful of you, the UPS guy

Source: RodLacroix

#10. "I was speechless"

Source: iwearaonesie

#11. "I am the man in this house"

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: JustinGuarini

#12. Shout out to all the husbands out there

Source: bigpoppadrunk

#13. "I was talking to the dog"

Source: dadmann_walking

#14. He will be missed

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: sixfootcandy

#15. “He’s a rescue”

Source: SladeWentworth

#16. There’s this cool new restaurant in town

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: StruggleDisplay

#17. "Our night just planned itself"

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: RodLacroix

#18. ‘Annoying’ habits

Source: BattyMclain

#19. How dare you

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: mommeh_dearest

#20. What you described is the new exercising

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: Social_Mime

#21. "I'm having an affair"

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: iwearaonesie

#22. "It's not one of ours"

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: XplodingUnicorn

#23. Without woman? Sockless. Keyless. Clueless.

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: wife_housy

#24. The nonessential one

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: thedadvocate01

#25. Be right back

hilarious Marriage TweetsSource: simoncholland

Here we still have more hilarious marriage tweets for you to enjoy! Check them out!