20 Times Kids Made Their Parents Laugh All Day

Leona Martinez

If you are sick of a boring life, the laughter of kids will be your best medicine that surely refills your energy level. So, if you aren't raising any kids, why don't you consider having some? Your life will be brighter than before. Of course, parenting is tough at times. However, kids will make their parents laugh all day long. Because little angels are so innocent and adorable, they more often than not churn out some funny words or act weirdly, which will crack anybody up.
If you don't have kids and are curious about what life with kids looks like? Don't worry. We have collected 20 funny pictures that parents around the world took when their kids made them laugh. And these pics will make you burst out laughing too. Scroll down to check them out for yourselves. And upvote the one that made you laugh so hard till your belly hurts. And if you hesitate to have a baby, this article will be a suggestion.
If you want more pics, visit our previous posts here and here.

#1. Playing hide and seek with a toddler is always a thrill

Source: KingD88

#2. Our Airbnb had a translucent bathroom door. I’m used to my impatient toddler stalking me through the bathroom door, but this took it to a much creepier level

Source: goodluck_canuck

#3. My toddler and her subtle commentary on my choices

Source: SpeakEasyChef

#4. My wife took the toddler and left me with the baby yesterday morning. She’s a worrywart and I love photoshop. Lesson learned; don’t reply with just a photoshopped picture when she asks how things are going with the baby

Source: FeedBack20

#5. My kid did this portrait of me over 10 years ago. I still look the same, IMO

Source: 10fletcher

#6. My kid created what I thought was an angry-rage-boner-poop-fly guy...

Source: Bubsing

#7. This kid hit his bike against a car. In Taiwan, any traffic accident requires a breathalyzer test

Source: ProBlorger

#8. My neighbor's toddler was a little too quiet

Source: HeyT00ts11

#9. The kids were told to dress like they were 100 years old for their 100th day of school so my son got a haircut

Source: miakl83

#10. My kids came in and told me there was water coming from the laundry room. They said it looked like it started at the washer. I rushed in to find this. Buncha comedians in my house...

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: narcolepsyinc

#11. The reason why dad's shouldn't be left alone with their kids

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: mikerockitjones

#12. My son just told me he was tired... I guess being three different superheroes can take a toll on a toddler...

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: Tommyb22

#13. My dad used to take some of the best pictures of me as a kid

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: Jesse_the_walrus

#14. My neighbor is 3 kids in a trench coat

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: Beatreporting

#15. My toddler told me that she'd had an accident and now we had a "wee dog"

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: aBeardOfBees

#16. My toddler was helping me clean the garage and discovered I have one of those plastic magnifiers

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: buterbetterbater

#17. My wife and child argued. This is the outcome, a heart is broken and mum is canceled. This artist is 6yo

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: ch25stam25

#18. My mom said this was one of my favorite things to do as a child

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: gronkaflomarous

#19. If my daughter keeps doing her own eye makeup, child protective services are gonna come knocking pretty soon

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: TheTonz

#20. That moment you realize you're now the middle child

Kids Made Their Parents LaughSource: SmallGovernment