25 Existential Memes That Will Hit You Harder Than You Think

Manda Garcia

As you grow older, your emotions develop and become much more complicated. You do not simply laugh when you are happy, or cry when you are sad. Instead, you have emotional switches, struggle on the inside, and have one or more mental issues. Or sometimes, you may be bothered by some random thoughts about things you can't explain. If one day you might want to speak out loud about your heavy thoughts, insecurities, worries, etc but don't know how to, let memes do. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, memes somehow find a way to help you express yourself without saying a word. On one hand, they may hit you with some bitterly accurate facts or jokes and make you feel stalked. On the other hand, memes can prove that you are not alone and make you feel understood. It is best to look at those existential memes and laugh all your problems away!
We’ve compiled 25 sad yet funny existential memes to remind you we’ve all been there! Check them out and have a good day!

#1. "I'm really a person"

Source: spaceghostkirb

#2. 2003

Source: madsadnotgood

#3. Day after day

Source: madsadnotgood

#4. At least you have someone


#5. When the whole gang gets together

Source: ShayBayBay18

#6. "You're so quiet"

Source: madsadnotgood

#7. "Need my soulmate to find me"

Source: kirkxxs

#8. Thanks, man

Source: madsadnotgood

#9. If not awakey then no anxiety

Source: dapppf

#10. There must be something wrong

Source: eternal-Weltschmerz

#11. "Not sure if I exist tho"

Source: eternal-Weltschmerz

#12. A genius or a psycho?

Source: Average_Dad1

#13. "I feel this too"

Source: madsadnotgood

#14. Literally everytime


#15. Strings Stretching Still

Source: Intelligent_Energy16

#16. All are the same

Source: madsadnotgood

#17. Ouch

Source: madsadnotgood

#18. Haha

Source: dg988

#19. This hurts

Source: madsadnotgood

#20. "I do not recognize myself"

Source: madsadnotgood

#21. Sorry

Source: X_ch1co_X

#22. Happy birthday

Source: Shoyoumomo_

#23. The problem is

Source: madsadnotgood

#24. "Give me a chance"

Source: madsadnotgood

#25. Can't be anyone else

Source: madsadnotgood