As kids, we are always being asked this question: What do you want to do when you grow up? And our answers usually make our parents smile. But little did they know that most of what we said was actually false. Why? Because not everybody is capable of being doctors, lawyers, or firefighters, nor do they want to be one. Nowadays, we have so many career choices to the point where some of them even lean more towards being a bit weird than the rest. So if you are curious about the crazy jobs people have around the world, then keep reading cause we have collected a few impressive ones below for your amusement.
From professional cuddlers to odor sniffers, these probably sound a bit crazy for career choices, but they are still real jobs done by real people. So, if you feel a bit bored with your job and fancy a change, you should try one of these jobs out. Because you never know what's going to strike a chord and be the spark that ignites a career you'll love. But that's something to think about in the future, and for now, let's have fun by scrolling down and checking them out with us!
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From professional cuddlers to odor sniffers, these probably sound a bit crazy for career choices, but they are still real jobs done by real people. So, if you feel a bit bored with your job and fancy a change, you should try one of these jobs out. Because you never know what's going to strike a chord and be the spark that ignites a career you'll love. But that's something to think about in the future, and for now, let's have fun by scrolling down and checking them out with us!
#1. Chicken sexer.
Source: vice
#2. Legal bank robber.
Source: ThatWasEpic
#3. Teddy bear surgeon.
Source: diyways
#4. Snake milker.
Source: australiangeographic
#5. Professional mourner.
Source: asiasociety
#6. Waterslide tester.
Source: careerlancer
#7. Professional sleeper.
Source: mews
#8. Professional line sitters.
Source: money
#9. Cuidacarro.
Source: opinionesdegabriel
#10. Dog food taster.
Source: 3ba
#11. Odor judge/odor guru.
Source: businessinsider
#12. Professional pusher.
Source: amusingplanet
#13. Rental boyfriend.
Source: mirror
#14. Full-time Netflix viewer.
Source: washingtonpost
#15. Gross stunt tester.
Source: mews
#16. Professional apologizer.
Source: cheezburger
Some of us are not very good at apologizing and yet tend to mess things up. Everyone does! But if you need someone who can apologize on your behalf, you can hire one in Japan.#17. Professional cuddler.
Source: alittlebithuman
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