We have no clue why things captured in these pics exist. Some are pure coincidences, and some are mind-blowing. A picture can be worth a thousand words. In these random cases, we need more. "Why is that duck riding the subway?" "Did it pay for a ticket?" "How does the bird know when to get off?" "Can it read?" And so on. Not providing captions for the photos is a good way to restart your brain's ability to imagine and storytelling.
Plus, these pics are kid-friendly and safe to share with anyone in the family who may need a chuckle. This round-up of the best funny pictures will have you laughing until you cry.
#1. No, you don't.
Source: SomeImages1
#2. Lots of effort was made
Source: SomeImages1
#3. Excellent advertisement
Source: SomeImages2
#4. "Take me out to dinner someday?"
Source: SomeImages3
#5. When chips are made from the players
Source: SomeImages4
#6. It looks dangerous, but yeah, funny
Source: SomeImages5
#7. He's traveling on that convenient bike
Source: SomeImages6
#8. Healthy and environment-friendly water motor jet
Source: SomeImages7
#9. That's ... cool.
Source: SomeImages8
#10. That’s Stew. He’s the soupervisor.
Source: @ConfusingImages
#11. Just goosing around
Source: @ConfusingImages
#12. Just a service in deserts
Source: @ConfusingImages
#13. Why, Spiderman, why?
Source: @ConfusingImages
#14. Back in the 1700s
Source: @ConfusingImages
#15. Hotdogs and a demon dog.
Source: @ConfusingImages
#16. How?
Source: @ConfusingImages
#17. She needs help absolutely, but she can't ask because she doesn't know where to explain
Source: @ConfusingImages
#18. Getting pulled over for using the tub car
Source: @ConfusingImages
#19. What happened??!
Source: @ConfusingImages
#20. The tree is blooming weirdly
Source: @ConfusingImages
#21. Dude just out car shopping let him be
Source: @ConfusingImages
#22. Is this some kind of meowtual love?
Source: @ConfusingImages
#23. Silence is golden, duct tape is silver.
Source: @ConfusingImages
#24. Assuming this was taken literally milliseconds after he busted through the wall.
Source: @ConfusingImages
#25. Context, please!
Source: @ConfusingImages
#26. He's clearly trying to see how the soda is dispensed
Source: @ConfusingImages
#27. The car is just trying to hatch its egg
Source: @ConfusingImages
#28. Solid car - Silly Things Without Context
Source: @ConfusingImages
#29. If Minecraft had avocados - Silly Things Without Context
Source: SomeImages1
#30. When you hear the pilot say you are cruising at 35000 feet height and you see this
Source: SomeImages6
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