30 Hilarious Photos That Capture Silly Things Without Context

Carolyn Mullet

After a dull week, sometimes we need a little something to perk us up and laugh. Luckily, funny pictures are a quick and easy cure. You can cuddle in your bed on your own or have snacks and Cokes with your family and friends while giggling at the most hilarious, confusing photos without context. In case of bad weather that locks you indoors, a cup of hot tea or coffee with slight hilarity might fit.
We have no clue why things captured in these pics exist. Some are pure coincidences, and some are mind-blowing. A picture can be worth a thousand words. In these random cases, we need more. "Why is that duck riding the subway?" "Did it pay for a ticket?" "How does the bird know when to get off?" "Can it read?" And so on. Not providing captions for the photos is a good way to restart your brain's ability to imagine and storytelling.
Plus, these pics are kid-friendly and safe to share with anyone in the family who may need a chuckle. This round-up of the best funny pictures will have you laughing until you cry.

#1. No, you don't.

Source: SomeImages1

#2. Lots of effort was made

Silly Things Without ContextSource: SomeImages1

#3. Excellent advertisement

Source: SomeImages2

#4. "Take me out to dinner someday?"

Source: SomeImages3

#5. When chips are made from the players

Silly Things Without ContextSource: SomeImages4

#6. It looks dangerous, but yeah, funny

Source: SomeImages5

#7. He's traveling on that convenient bike

Silly Things Without ContextSource: SomeImages6

#8. Healthy and environment-friendly water motor jet

Source: SomeImages7

#9. That's ... cool.

Silly Things Without ContextSource: SomeImages8

#10. That’s Stew. He’s the soupervisor.

Source: @ConfusingImages

#11. Just goosing around

Source: @ConfusingImages

#12. Just a service in deserts

Silly Things Without ContextSource: @ConfusingImages

#13. Why, Spiderman, why?

Source: @ConfusingImages

#14. Back in the 1700s

Source: @ConfusingImages

#15. Hotdogs and a demon dog.

Silly Things Without ContextSource: @ConfusingImages

#16. How?

Source: @ConfusingImages

#17. She needs help absolutely, but she can't ask because she doesn't know where to explain

Source: @ConfusingImages

#18. Getting pulled over for using the tub car

Silly Things Without ContextSource: @ConfusingImages

#19. What happened??!

Source: @ConfusingImages

#20. The tree is blooming weirdly

Source: @ConfusingImages

#21. Dude just out car shopping let him be

Source: @ConfusingImages

#22. Is this some kind of meowtual love?

Silly Things Without ContextSource: @ConfusingImages

#23. Silence is golden, duct tape is silver.

Source: @ConfusingImages

#24. Assuming this was taken literally milliseconds after he busted through the wall.

Silly Things Without ContextSource: @ConfusingImages

#25. Context, please!

Source: @ConfusingImages

#26. He's clearly trying to see how the soda is dispensed

Source: @ConfusingImages

#27. The car is just trying to hatch its egg

Silly Things Without ContextSource: @ConfusingImages

#28. Solid car - Silly Things Without Context

Source: @ConfusingImages

#29. If Minecraft had avocados - Silly Things Without Context

Silly Things Without ContextSource: SomeImages1

#30. When you hear the pilot say you are cruising at 35000 feet height and you see this

Silly Things Without ContextSource: SomeImages6

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