Signs are made to catch attention and help people get their message across. Indeed, signs are often placed somewhere that can be easily seen so that everyone knows what to or not to do, gets information, or sometimes feels motivated by some inspirational quotes, etc. However, there are times when signs do less (or more) than they are supposed to, making us stop and wonder what is going on. Those signs are often something so silly, weird, obvious, or useless that you won't believe there is a chance that they exist. Rather than serving a certain purpose, they are more like laughing material. People don't often come across such funny signs, thus when spotting one, they feel the urge to capture and share them with others.
We've collected a list of 30 funny signs that sure will give you a chuckle. Take a look and pick your favorite!
We've collected a list of 30 funny signs that sure will give you a chuckle. Take a look and pick your favorite!
#1. A slightly passive-aggressive sign:
Source: KuronFury
#2. "So can I just walk in and start swiping people across the face left and right?"
Source: deepmobber
#3. Every room is flooding after Ryan Gosling enters it.
Source: SkippyBluestockings
#4. Who are you to tell me what not to do?
Source: pinterest
#5. "As an alien, I finally feel accepted. Thank you!"
Source: 8myabcsair
#6. Forbidden Oreos
Source: p11s
#7. Attention!
Source: JeffreyBCMiller
#8. Safety first
Source: Egorwild1
#9. This seems like it’ll only encourage them...
Source: mrthordavis
#10. Shop sign in Kyoto, Japan
Source: nullbyte7
#11. This wet floor sign at the Toronto Aquarium
Source: mcastre
#12. "This sign at the entrance to my in-laws retirement community"
Source: danooli
#13. Proof that the earth is round
Source: Pengua1
#14. Animal Farm notice
Source: foxystoat69
#15. This sign at a local vet
Source: usrcncld
#16. These guys sit at this table every morning. The restaurant owners made this sign to claim the table for them.
Source: leebob05
#17. "You can't tell me what to do!"
Source: moogoesthedog
#18. "No way! I thought peanuts were made of Carrots!"
Source: teamhobotv
#19. This relatable sign in Ireland
Source: Chantrak
#20. Sign posted at a community ball field.
Source: MoonRiverRob
#21. DANGER! Do not touch.
Source: Megatron_Griffin
#22. Very helpful, thanks!
Source: bluegatoradedrink
#23. Is it?
Source: SuperiorSwede
#24. Kinda want to know the story behind
Source: nyydan
#25. Seriously!
Source: reddit
#26. If you're going to fail, fail spectacularly!
Source: Jaunt-
#27. Please don't!
Source: rkellysdoodoobutter
#28. This sign in Phuket
Source: Slacation
#29. What were the recent events?
Source: dinuba
#30. Already
Source: parsons5545