20 Comics To Prove That This Artist’s Sense Of Humor Is Dark As Hell

Robert Whitman-Byrne

Comedy is a difficult art form to master. It can be difficult to make people laugh in the beginning, but once they do, it can be difficult to avoid offending anyone or broaching touchy subjects. But sometimes we just can't have our cake and eat it too. We therefore have the ideal post for you if all you care about is laughing and don't mind a bit black humor!
We've compiled a few of our favorite cartoons by Icelandic comedian, author, and illustrator Hugleikur Dagsson down below. He has a dark sense of humor, so I'll tell you pandas now that not all of these jokes are appropriate for all audiences. However, if you're interested in cartoons, some of them could make you feel a little bit better.


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson


Source: dagsson