29 Times People Took Everything Literally, And The Results Are Hilarious

Emily Mahboobeh

It's always great when everyone around you understands what you're saying. However, they can occasionally take your words too literally and turn them into something absurd. Consider the folks listed below as examples. From receiving a mirror that stated "natural light" when they requested more natural light in the room, to being left with a package of half-eaten grapes after asking their siblings to eat just half of their grapes, these photos are the hilarious aftermath of people who took everything literally. While sometimes it's purely accidental, most of the time it's an intentional joke by others around them.
So to further entertain you, we present a compilation of the most absurd and hilarious incidents that happen when people take things too literally. Let's hop on the train and check them out with us. We bet these photos will not just make you laugh, but they will also serve as a reminder to be careful with your words in the future. Because it's always better to be safe than sorry!

#1. George, George bush.

Everything LiterallySource: _teadog

#2. When you were asked to hang photo frames somewhere in the corner:

Everything LiterallySource: i_am_chewbacca

#3. Just following instructions

Everything LiterallySource: darkplane13

#4. Way to go momma!

Everything LiterallySource: llimeygrl

#5. When they ask you about the dress code:

Everything LiterallySource: IsProbablyLying4

#6. Curbs need love, too.

Source: jmattice2

#7. Found some amazing Indian writing

Everything LiterallySource: Dolomite2001

#8. "I told my dad I needed more natural light in my bedroom, so he bought me this mirror."

Everything LiterallySource: tmishkoor

#9. Plant sign.

Everything LiterallySource: KevlarYarmulke

#10. It's not working.

Everything LiterallySource: kingeryck

#11. When you were told that the expiration date should be on the product:

Source: PR3DA7oR

#12. Please fall in line

Source: Unknown

#13. Technically correct...

Everything LiterallySource: OliverClothesoff70

#14. 3 hours later...

Everything LiterallySource: OIcyBulletO

#15. Well...

Source: WrathOfTheTitties

#16. Some say she is still drinking to this day.

Everything LiterallySource: CottonStig

#17. This guy gets it.

Everything LiterallySource: Imgur

#18. If you insist...

Everything LiterallySource: NukeTheEwoks

#19. Pick up chicks here.

Everything LiterallySource: Unknown

#20. Well, if you say so

Everything LiterallySource: call911noww

#21. "This is why my kid is going places."

Source: Unknown

#22. When you asked for "nothing" as dessert on a Disney cruise:

Everything LiterallySource: Douee

#23. "My wife, a Venezuelan smartass"

Source: gaudiocomplex

#24. When you ask for a golden retriever for your birthday and your boyfriend gets you this...

Everything LiterallySource: maddipotter28

#25. "I think my barista is trolling me."

Everything LiterallySource: SuperCub

#26. And you even can't be mad at him

Everything LiterallySource: Jaaaaaymomma

#27. By customer request.


#28. "Just doing what my wife asked"

Everything LiterallySource: timelymanner85

#29. "Motivate your answer"

Everything LiterallySource: TheImpundulu

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